
Saturday night was Travis’ and my 1 year anniversary celebration.  And it was awesome 🙂  We met around 6:30 and headed out to Kona Grill in this really nice shopping complex not too far from the RV.  We got all dressed up – me in a dress and him in a dress shirt, slacks, and tie.  The food was great and the company was spectacular of course.  It’s funny, when we sat there he mentioned marriage and proposing a couple of times.  And I can’t say it didn’t give me butterflies.  I can’t wait to marry him and start a life together.  Of course, I don’t want him to give it away whenever he is about to propose, but I do love the fact that he can mention it and that the only reaction I have is happiness.  I don’t know what’s come over him but he’s got marriage on the brain, and it’s a feeling I don’t think he or I are accustomed to.  It’s nice 🙂

That being said, at the moment I’m not so warm and fuzzy as I’m in the western part of North Carolina and holy fuck is it cold.  My coworker and I landed in Asheville last night and had to drive about 40 miles to our hotel.  In the snow.  Lovely lol.  But we made it safe and sound and I was in bed around 1:00.  We had a full day of trianing today and overall it went well.  Our trainees were receptive and they were a fun group. 

Oh, and lunch was soooo good.  I swear I’ve had better food in the last week than I have in the last 6 months all together.  We went to this little diner sort of place for lunch that’s known for their cheesecake.  I had their egg salad melt and it was delicious.  Egg salad with pieces of onion, a slice of cheese, a slice of tomato on top, all on a buttered, toasted english muffin.  Veggie Beef soup as my side.  And peanut butter and jelly cheesecake.

Yum 🙂

And it’s time for me to finish up some work and get to bed.  Time to relax 🙂



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December 14, 2010

it’s so nice that you have those talks and they are positive! woot! Happy 1 year!