
Yep, that was me last night.  Travis and I play pool every Monday night so we went to the pool hall and I was planning on doing my usual – 3 or 4 beers and then going back to the RV to get some work done.  Well, we ended up doing 2 tequila shots each at the pool hall and then decided to go to Applebee’s for a couple more beers.  I had some food, a couple more beers, and then another tequila shot and a Jell-O shot.

Apparently that’s the extent of my tolerance these days.  I haven’t been drinking quite as much so that’s all it took to get me pretty damn tipsy.  I quite enjoyed it.  And Travis thought I was a super cute drunk, which is always a good thing.  I knew I was drunk last night when I woke up around 2 this morning, naked in bed, under the sheet that we normally lay on top of because I guess I fell asleep (after a nice drunk romp with Travis) and got cold in the middle of the night so I decided to use the sheet instead of the comforter. 

Anyway, it was a fun night and I needed it.  My girlfriend texted me yesterday morning and told me that she and her boyfriend have decided to break up.  I knew this was coming.  Travis and I both had a feeling that they would split soon.  They’ve been having some issues and it just seemed like things were being forced.  That being said, when she told me it still broke my heart.  They’ve been together about a year and are living together which makes things even harder.  He’s a great guy, and I know they both wanted to make it work but it just wasn’t. 

The hard part about a mutual breakup is that there is no one to be mad at.  So she’s just trying to keep her head up and channel her sadness/frustration at working out.  We’re doing Zumba Thursday night and Saturday I think we’re all supposed to go eat and then to a house party so hopefully that will get her mind of things a bit.

I just hate seeing a friend hurt.

It does, however, make me appreciate my relationship with Travis even more than I already did.  It’s nice to have been with someone almost a year and not worry about how the future looks.  He really is just incredible.  I still sometimes get butterflies when I think about him.  And the sex is still incredible.  All that being said, sure it’s only been a year, but still I think things are progressing and changing in our lives enough to keep things interesting.  I just don’t foresee things getting boring or stagnant any time in the near future.  We have our moments, but we work through them just fine.

And I can’t help but get butterflies when he mentions marriage and a family.  We skirt around it a bit (saying “IF we get married” or “IF we have kids one day”) mainly for the sake of not jinxing things I think, but I feel deep down in my soul that this is the man I want to marry.  I want to have his children.  I want to travel the world with him.  And I’ve never felt that way about anyone, even when I was engaged previously.

It just feels right.  Nothing feels forced with us.  And I think we both are aware of how much work has to go into a relationship to make it work so anytime there is a snag we work through it.

And as a HUGE bonus, the sex is fucking amazing.  He knows just how to make my toes curl ;-).

Anyway.  I love him.  And that’s that.

What else… oh yeah, I’ve lost 2 more pounds!  So that makes 22 po

unds total lost.  And the other day I tried on an old pair of pants, a size 16 (a size down from what I wear now) and they fit!  They fit quite well, actually.  That makes me happy :-).  Eating well is working and Zumba’s giving me that extra push I need.

That being said, I have a girlfriend who has gone on a 500 calorie diet.  500 fucking calories.  Eesh.  She’s wanting to get back into modeling and to be honest I think 500 calories is a bit extreme.  She’s lost 22 pounds and gone down from a size 18 to a size 14 in just 3 short weeks.  But I can’t bring myself to congratulate her (she’s been posting updates on facebook and everyone is giving her congratulations).  Sure, part of me is envious.  I’ve lost 22 pounds in what, 6 months?  And sure, that’s with stints of not really dieting.  But still sure, it would be nice to lose that weight in 3 weeks.  That being said, it’s completely unhealthy.  I don’t know.  I feel like I’m hating on her a bit, but it also just irks me that people know she’s being unhealthy and still congratulating her on her weight loss.  My emotions about it are a bit conflicting, but in the end it’s her life and she can do what she wants.

My life, on the other hand, is going great at the moment and I can’t ask for a better one. 🙂

Okie Dokie.  Better get back to work.


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November 30, 2010

there is no way I could do a 500 calorie diet. that’s sorta scary. ha. I do need to work out though! rawr! You’re doing awesome with your loss, I would love to lose that much in 6 months! I really want to try a jello shot. I’ve never had one.

January 12, 2011

Wow! 500 calories! Yes, that is very unhealthy! You should try talking to her and tell her she can do it without going to such extremes!