I will punch you in the effing face.

I’m sick.  Yuck.  Started coughing yesterday and thought that was it, but this morning I woke up to a scratchy and swollen throat on top of the coughing.  Ah well, what can ya do.

By the end of the day I was exhausted.  Not physically or mentally really, just sick exhausted.  You know what I mean.  And then… I get a text from J, a guy I’ve known for 11 years, who I dated for about 3 years in high school (and shortly after I graduated).  We have kept in touch a bit since then, but our contact is always few and far between.

J: Hey
R: What’s up?
J: I was on your facebook page the other day.
R: Oh yeah?
J: Are your pictures current?
R: Yes… why?
J: Boo, what happened?
R: Totally unnecessary J. I gained weight. I told you I gained weight. I lost 20 pounds and am on my down. And I think I look just fine.
R: I’m assuming that’s what you meant by "what happened?"
J: Yeah… I wasn’t trying to be mean, I thought about not saying anything but if I wasn’t honest, that wouldn’t be me.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.  Really?  Who says that.  I called him and he said something along the lines of "I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to be mean.  It’s just I saw you 3 years ago and I was just shocked when I saw those pictures."

I told him it was an unnecessary comment, and that I thought I looked just fine.  And that was that.  I told him to have a good night.  And I took him off of my facebook page.  I don’t need someone on my page who is going to be that fucking douchey.

Look, I understand that I look different from how I looked 3 years ago.  I was also doing a lot of bad shit back then that helped me keep my weight down so of course I’m bigger now.  But you know what?  That does not make it appopriate to make a completely tactless statement like "What happened?"

Fuck you.  I think I look great.  Sure, I’m bigger than I used to be, but I still turn heads.  And I pulled a hot ass boyfriend didn’t I?  So apparently I’m hot enough to get him.  And on top of that, what does it matter?  I have friends who have gained weight and I would never say that.

Anyway, I didn’t mean for this to be that long of a rant.  Travis called when he was on his way to class and I told him what was said, and I could tell he was upset.  Not overly pissed or anything, but more taken aback, as he said.  That’s sort of how I was too.  Just shocked that he would say something like that.

What happened to having a little tact?

Anyway.  All in all it has been a good day and good night.  I got to see my honey last night, and I got lost in him just as I wanted.  And it was exactly what I needed.  I’m so glad he came over last night.  And this weekend I shouldn’t have much work to do, and I won’t have much homework to do, so I plan on having a nice long rolling-the-clock-back-an-hour Sunday with football and queso and the man I love :).  Can’t get much better than that.

Hopefully I can get over this sickness by then.  Speaking of which, it’s off to bed.



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November 3, 2010

Random noter: I’m sick as well :/ It’s a real bummer, huh? I’m quite moved by your love for yourself! I love how you say you’re bigger and still beautiful! Thanks for that, it’s inspiring 🙂

November 4, 2010

Cheese fucking rocks, dude.

November 4, 2010

Hope you get better….

November 4, 2010

hi 🙂 but also… wth… anybody that clueless needs to be punched in teh face AND the crotchular region. I mean honestly. I’d have said “what happened to your brains? You jerk off too much and spill them all over the floor?” idiot.

Chaosbride made me LOL. That guy isn’t worth the time to type about. Guys like that give decent guys a bad name. Don’t let that get you down either! You know you’re beautiful, your boyfriend obviously can’t get enough of you! I like that you’re secure enough to tell him off like that! That’s definitely a sexy trait 😀 Your boyfriend is lucky! Anyway, feel better soon! Drink plenty of water and don’t skimp out on sleep…doctors orders 😛