
Again, I have hit a phase where I write the beginnings of an entry and then by the end of the day it’s unfinished so I just save it and end up not posting anything.

Things are pretty great at the moment.  Work is a bit overwhelming, but I’ve been doing work pretty consistently at night so I’m starting to catch up.  I do my work work during the day and at night I’ve been trying to do a little bit of clean/catch-up.

School’s going pretty well also.  Well, after I typed that last sentence I went online to register for my next class and saw that for some reason it wasn’t showing my credits for one of the first classes I took.  Apparently one of the accounting classes changed for the MBA.  I’ll have to call tomorrow and see what the hell is going on.  I’m not going to prolong my degree because a class was changed.  That’s total bullshit.

Anyway.  I’m sure it will all get worked out.

What else… oh yeah, my boyfriend :).  Things are great in that department.  We’ll have been together 9 months on the 12th.  Crazy.  It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long.  And at the same time it seems like we’ve been together forever. 

He told his coworkers a few weeks back that he thinks if he’s doing well at this time next year that he might just have to propose.  Funny, with other boyfriends I would have thought 9 months was too soon to even consider that.  But with him it feels right.  And not just in the emotions department.  He knows my expectations, and I know his.  And we’re both working toward a stable, steady future.  I’m working on saving my money, and he’s working on getting into a career.

He’s starting school September 14th.  It’s an HVAC school – 12 weeks and he’ll be able to get certified.  I think it’s a wonderful idea, and I think he’s really excited about it.  He’ll be great. 

I don’t know, I guess things just feel like they’re moving at a good pace with him.  Not too fast, not too slow.  Sort of like Goldilocks I guess – juuuust right :).  He’s amazing, and he treats me like a queen.  And I think I treat him like a king :).

Enough mushy stuff… what else.  Oh!  I weighed myself today and I’m at 202.  That’s 16 pounds lost.  I’m guessing by the morning I’ll be at either 201 or maybe (cross my fingers) 200.  I’m just waiting for that sub-200 mark to get here.  It’ll be here soon.  And I feel great about it.  Only problem is my damn pants are getting too long lol.

Okay, I think I’m getting to bed early tonight.




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September 3, 2010

I think you’re right. I don’t know what to do with my friend. I know he is busy and I told him that I couldn’t be with someone that was always busy. I need time too ya know? And it just shocked me when he went looking for a job specifically able to see me more. It’s nice. And Andrew Ijust gotta figure how much our relationship needs fixing… he’s a great father and he’s normally good with me.

September 6, 2010

it hurts, and it’s hard because i can’t dance. but it’s a great workout and it’s really fun. i’m not going to continue with it regularly because i don’t have the money and running is free, but i definitely recommend zumba!