I’m over it today. 
My ex called me yesterday. Just a tiny bit of back story – we dated for 4 years. We were engaged for 3 of them. I was young when we started dating – 18, and when I was 22 I called it off. I was growing up and he wasn’t. He still wanted to party blah blah blah. Heartbreaking sure, but I got over it after a year or so of ups and downs. It wasn’t a nasty breakup, but he’s so immature that I was dealing with financial fallout for a long time and was joint with him on some accounts so I had to stay in contact with him for quite a while.
About a year ago he called me because he couldn’t make payments on the truck we had (that I had given to him when we split). I managed to pay the next couple of payments and then my Dad made payments after that. We had to pay, as well, to get it out of the shop because his girlfriend got into an accident and he couldn’t pay the deductible. I’m currently paying my Dad back for that.
So that was the last time I talked to him. He texted me Monday out of the blue. He called me yesterday on my way home and we talked for 10 minutes. He was down south around where I live and said “Maybe we can meet up before I go home. I’ll call you later.” I ignored the comment and hung up. I knew I would go home and ignore his call. I didn’t want to go see him and wasn’t going to. I just didn’t want to be a bitch and say “No, fuck off, I never want to see you again.” It’s not like that.
Anyway, he called and I ignored it. Then he texted. I sent him a text back that said “I was eating dinner when you called. Maybe we can meet and catch up another time. It was really good talking to you.”
And that was that. I didn’t really mean the whole “Maybe we can meet and catch up” part. I was just being civil because I didn’t want him to get all butt hurt and it was just easier to do that and ignore his calls/texts in the future. No biggie. I said hi, we caught up on things, and that was that. No harm no foul, or so I thought.
This morning I get a phone call from his number. I promptly ignore it and then later listen to the voicemail.
It was his fucking girlfriend.
So I listen and hear this message: “This is [SoandSo], J’s WIFE, R. If there’s something going on between ya’ll I need to fucking know. If ya’ll are fucking around or if he’s out there asking you to meet up with him I need to know because I’m not putting up with this shit from him. And don’t lie – I just need to know, I’m not going to be mad at you. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah…….”
So yeah. Good fucking morning to me. 
I didn’t want to call her because she sounded hysterical so I texted her. Told her there was nothing going on, that he just called me and my last text was just a roundabout way of blowing him off. That I was sorry for any heartache I might have caused her or whatever but that nothing was going on. Also that I wouldn’t answer him if he contacted me.
Ugh. Women.
I don’t want J. I won’t ever want him again. I have a man who is smarter and funnier and treats me better than J ever could.
My day got even better this afternoon when, for whatever reason I decided to check my credit monitoring service. I rarely check it. But for some reason I felt I needed to. And boy did I. My credit score dropped 36 points just 2 days ago. Because of a bill that went to collections. I called the company taking care of the account and what do you know, it’s from 3 years ago. When I left I went to my parents and he stayed in the house. I thought I had removed my name from the utilities and whatnot but I guess somehow my name stuck on the electric. So there’s been a $224 outstanding bill out there that just went to collections on my credit.
So. I paid it. Because I’m responsible and have the resources to do so and I have to watch out for my fucking credit because I want to do shit in the future like buy a car or a house or something else that normal responsible adults do and I might as well pay it myself because I don’t want to have any contact with him whatsoever in any capacity in the future because he’s an immature fucker who can’t even take care of his fucking financial responsibilities so what would be the fucking point anyway?
Anyway. I picked him, 7 years ago. So this is what I get.
Oh well. Movie night with my honey tonight. Thank goodness. I need it.
53 minutes and counting.

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August 18, 2010

gah! yikes! that sucks…a lot. and soooo weird when girls call other girls to find out if their boyfriends are cheating. ummm if you don’t trust him, then you should break up with him regardless of whether or not he’s cheating. no? is that just me? is that too easy? ugh. females.

August 20, 2010

Did you get it out of your name this time? Aack – sounds like you made the right choice at 22!