Case and Point.

I love tomato and basil bisque… YUM 🙂

I swear my brain has started to shut down completely.

Case and Point, three things that happened yesterday:

1.       My office manager sent me an email with attachments that said “Can you see me on this?”  My brain processed that literally, as in Can you see me in this email.  Needless to say I was confused and wondering how in the world I could see her on an attachment – is her picture on there or something?  – Until I realized that she meant can I come up and talk to her about the attachments.

2.       We were on our way to dinner and Trav had to get gas.  This is a gas station we go to often.  I looked over and saw a Twin Liquors.  In my head I thought Another Twin Liquors?  But there’s one on the other side of the shopping center.  Why would they build another one here? When I realized that it was just the other entrance of that “other” Twin Liquors.

3.       We were playing pool yesterday and I shot with the 3 ball instead of the cue ball.

Yeah… my brain is giving me a big “fuck you” this week lol. 

I love my job,  but I think I have vacation-syndrome because I’m leaving on Saturday for Oakland for a week.  Speaking of which, it will be the longest Trav and I have ever been apart.  I hadn’t really thought about it until last night when I realized I will see him first thing Saturday the 7th when I leave, and then I won’t see him again until probably the 16th. 

I have been on trips many times before without a significant other.  But this time is a little different, as far as my mood is concerned.

**side note** just found out Travis has an appointment wit

h an HVAC school here next week so woohoo!  I’m hoping it goes well :).  I know he’s been wanting something to pan out and it seems like he’s definitely making that happen

**weird side side note** You know that dream I had the other day about a bad car wreck?  Well, in that dream Trav died.  I didn’t see it happen but I knew he was dead.  And they say that death in a dream can be a symbol of some aspect about a person dying and/or changing – sort of a symbol of transition.  Perhaps it was a fitting one for him.  Still a fucked up dream that messed with my mood, but I like putting a positive spin on things :).

Okay… where was I?

Oh yeah, vacation.  I have had vacations before where I was sad because I wouldn’t see my significant other for X number of days and boo hoo.  I have had other vacations where I was worried because who knows what Douchey McDouchebag Boyfriend would do while I was gone.  Then I have had vacations where I was happy because thank goodness I wouldn’t have to be around my boyfriend for X number of days.

This time, I am excited to go because who doesn’t love a vacation with the most awesomest of awesome Moms right?  I am a little sad that I won’t get to see Trav for a week but more than anything I’m excited about the moment I get back and see him.  I foresee some definite naked time immediately after returning ;-). 

Anyway, it’s nice to be able to go on vacation, not worry one bit about a) what my bf is doing or b) if he gives a shit if I’m gone.  To just be excited about leaving, and excited about coming back… it works out.

I’m not sure that I am making much sense.  It’s 4:40 and I should be working but I had to take a damn break already.  I can feel my brain wanting to ooze out of my ears…

On that note 🙂

Guess I’ll finish up a few things and head out.



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