Oh Mr. Sinatra… I’m in love with you.

I’m in love with Pandora radio.  And even more in love with my Frank Sinatra radio station. 

I have always loved music in Italian restaurants.  One in particular is Carrabba’s – I love the atmosphere there and a lot of it is due to the music.  And I realized after listening to Frank Sinatra and Billie Holiday and Dean Martin and Bing Crosby that this is the music that they play in Italian restaurants.  And I am simply enamored with it.

I don’t know what it is about this music, but it makes me happy.  It soothes me.  Perhaps it’s the singers’ voices, or the big band background music, or the meaning behind the songs.  I am not old enough to remember this music being popular, but it still makes me feel nostalgic somehow, if that makes sense.

Anyway.  I love it J.  I love cooking to it too, for some reason.  Hm.  Maybe because when I cook, I tend to cook Italian food?  Who knows.

Life’s been pretty good lately.  I’ve been working quite a bit, as usual.  I did, however, ask my boss for a laptop.  Right now I only have a desktop at work.  And it worked!  They ordered me a laptop yesterday so it should come in sometime in the next two weeks.  It makes me feel good that my boss is willing to invest and trust in me enough to get me a laptop. 

It does mean I’ll be working more at home though lol.  But I’m okay with that.  I do it now anyway.  At least this way I’ll have everything with me.

What else… oh, Trav is trying to figure out what he’d like to do for trade school.    The school he was thinking of going to is too far away, and I don’t think he’s called the closer one yet.  But he did apply to a ton of trucking companies down in San Antonio that pay for your CDL training.  That would be awesome if he gets that job.

In the meantime, he’s trying to get another job locally to hold him over so he can get of the restaurant he works at now.  We had a weird night Monday and it sort of started with the whole work thing I guess.  On top of it, I’m a little hormonal because “that time of the month” is coming.

I came over and asked Trav what he did after work because I knew he got off at 1:30 and he said over the weekend that he was going to go do a bunch of stuff after work that day.  Long story short, he didn’t get anything done that day and I wasn’t super happy about it.<span style="mso-spacer

un: yes”>  I didn’t really say anything because we were going out that night and I didn’t want to put a damper on the mood, and I knew it would come up later anyway.

It wasn’t that he didn’t do anything that upset me.  It was that he was bitching about work and saying how he wanted to get out so badly, but he didn’t do anything that day.  So we talked and I essentially told him “Well then do something.”  We talked a bit more and the nice thing about him is that he doesn’t take offense when I’m not sympathetic to situations like that.  That’s just me.  Of course I don’t want my honey to be sad.  But when it’s something that is affected by actions that could be taken, then take the actions.

I just want decisiveness and follow through.  And I see glimmers of that with Travis but I think he’s still sort of coming into his own.  I get that.  But I also need him to keep moving forward.  I don’t have time or empathy for depression about a work situation.  Perhaps I should.  But I just don’t.  The thing is, whatever he ends up doing isn’t the be-all end-all of things.  Who knows where he’ll end up in 20 years job-wise.  But, for now, as long as he picks something and follows through with it.  That’s all I care about.  I need something to plan around, something to plan for.  And Travis is headed that direction.  As long as he keeps going that way, then I’m a happy girl 🙂

Okay, enough for today… just found out I’m getting a raise on the 1st and I need to go celebrate!


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I don’t know how to reply to a notey thing, so I’m just going to post a note on yours…but no my name is not Georgia. Very close to. And for some reason people always pronounce my name as ‘Georgia’ which pisses me off… My name is GeorgiNa. I can’t tell which is worse. Georgia or Georgina…??