Happy Girl

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I haven’t been writing in here as much as I’d like lately.  Not sure why – I just haven’t been inspired to write.  I get a page or two written and just don’t finish. 

I have to say that at the moment I have no complaints about things.  The weekend before last Trav and I went to San Antonio.  We headed down Friday night right after work and played pool that night.  Too many tequila shots for me later, we headed back to my Mom’s RV.  She went up to my house for the weekend to spend time with my Dad and brother so we had the RV to ourselves.   We went home, made love, and went to sleep.  Woke up the next day and I made breakfast.

I absolutely love mornings like that.  Sleeping in, waking only because of the light coming in through the windows, feeling the man I love next to me… making love in the sunshine ;).  Getting up and making breakfast… coffee, eggs, english muffins… eating it at proper table. 

We bummed around for a bit and headed down to the Riverwalk.  It was hot, but not too bad in the shade.  We walked around and decided to grab lunch at this awesome Italian restaurant.  We had lobster bisque, a Caesar salad, mozzarella with tomato and basil, and some sort of beef medallion salad.  Amazing.  And considerably cheaper than I was anticipating.</o:


We headed back, I took a nap and got ready.  We called a cab and went back down near the Riverwalk.  We ended up at this little basement bar and spent most of the night there.  After too much booze I had to have something to eat so we headed over to Mickey D’s, and then back to the RV. 

Anyway, Sunday was the best day of all.  We went to breakfast with my Mom where she proceeded to call us dorks (lovingly of course) because we decided to go to the zoo that day.  I love that Travis loves to do stuff like that.  I don’t think I had ever been on a date to the zoo before that.

We had a great time and the zoo was awesome.  There were a ton of kids there of course, with their parents and I couldn’t help but think about Travis and I in the (far off) future, with a kid of our own, taking her (I don’t know why when we talk about kids we envision a little girl) to the zoo.  Showing her the animals, laughing, playing.  Travis said something about that as we were walking into the zoo. 

I love that he thinks about that sort of thing too.  I suppose I’m getting to that age of wanting to settle down, have a family and all that.  Not too soon, of course, but eventually.  I could definitely see myself spending my life with Travis.  Crazy, after just knowing him 8 months.  But it just feels different with him, at the risk of using a terrible cliché lol.

Anyway :).  Trav told me while we were in SA that he was thinking of going into a trade school instead of finishing a degree.  I could tell he was pretty nervous telling me that,  but to be honest I don’t care about a degree.  I do care, however, about follow-through and stability.  I want to have the flexibility to stay home with my children, and I stand by that.  But I don’t care about the source of that stability.  Men who are involved in a trade, and do it well, make good money, and have job stability.  Plus, men like that – “blue collar” men who do manual jobs, get dirty doing it, and are exhausted at the end of the day, but in a satisfied way – men like that are totally hot. 😉

I told him that I thought it was a great idea – that all I expected was for him to make a decision and follow through with it.  Simple enough.  And he actually came to a conclusion much sooner than I imagined.  He told me this weekend that he decided on a school to go to, and that he wanted to go for HVAC.  Great choice.  I used to do payroll at an HVAC company and those guys, even new guys, made great money and they all enjoyed their job.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised with his decision coming so quickly.  I was truthfully expecting a bit of procrastination.  So I’m a happy girl :).  It’s a two year program, and of course they help with job placement.  I think he’d be great at it.  And regardless of if he wants to do something else in the long-term, this will be great for him to do now.  Or maybe he’ll like it and make a career of it.  Who knows.  Either way, I’m happy. 

Okay, I’m rambling.  Off to bed.  🙂


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