Letter Numero Dos.

I haven’t felt inspired to write, so let’s move forward with this letters thing shall we?

Day 2 — Your crush / significant other


I remember the first time we met.  I was so damned nervous.  I get anxious on first dates, simply because I’m meeting a new person and I still have that shy girl inside of me, but not like I was that day.  I don’t know what it was.  I think one of the main reasons was that you intrigued me.  I knew you were intelligent from your e-mails so I was anxious to meet you.  On top of it, I knew you were attractive, and didn’t know if you would still be interested once you saw me.

Side effect of living in Austin, I suppose :).

Our first real contact was via phone.  You called to ask me where the restaurant was, and I didn’t hear my phone ring.  I called you back, waiting to hear if you had a nice voice.  And you did.  Nice and deep, just how I like it.  No whiny voice, no kid-like voice, a man’s voice.  That just made me more nervous.

As I waited, I touched up my makeup and hair, and looked at myself in the mirror.  Had a sort of inner-pep-talk.  “You’re going to be fine.  It’s just a lunch date.  Breathe.” And before I knew it, your Red Durango drove past me in the parking lot.

I saw you get out, and you called me.

You were dressed in a black shirt, jeans, and flip-flops.  You were tall, blonde, blue-grey eyes.  Slimmer than I imagined.  Tall, but I already knew that.  I watched you walk.  I believe you can tell a lot about a person by how they walk.  I could tell you were a confident man, but had doubts about yourself and who you were as a person, much like me.

We said hello, no handshake or hug or anything I don’t think, and then we went into TGIF’s.  I could feel you watching me as I looked at the menu.  The waiter came up and I ordered a water.  You ordered a Jack and Coke.  I changed my order to a cocktail 🙂

That was the first 10 points you earned.

We talked and you told me “You look really… good.” With an air of surprise that told me my plan had worked, putting that not-so-great picture up on eharmony.

And that was it.  A two hour lunch date, two cancelled dates with other guys on my part (those other boys j

ust got pushed to the wayside ;)), and by the end of the weekend I think we were already planning on going to my work party.

Now it’s been 7 months almost that we’ve been together.  Pretty incredible huh?

It still feels a bit surreal, to be honest.  That you are in my life.

I love you Travis.  I love that when I was house-sitting you would make me coffee in the morning.  I love that you still tell me I’m gorgeous even after I just gained 3 of my 10 pounds lost back.  I love the way you look at me when I’m not looking.  I love your back and your eyes.  I love the way you make love to me. I love that I can tell you I can picture us at the zoo with our future kids and it doesn’t scare you off.  I love the look you get on your face when you read.  I love that you call me Sweetheart.

I love how we have done so much – comedy clubs, plays, museums, New Orleans, soon to be an art museum, fancy restaurants, dive bars, karaoke, the Riverwalk, the zoo.  I’ve never done so much with someone in just dating them a few months.

I love how we can do nothing.  We can sit in bed (like two old people lol) and read.  Not saying anything.  I can envision years down the road, say we have a house together, having a reading room.  A room with two chairs and two ottomans, and a table in between.  I would love to have a room like that.

But most of all, I love how we laugh so much.  I love that I can make you laugh.  I’m not normally funny.  I am with my family, but never with a boyfriend.  I think that’s the difference.  I have never been my silly, ditzy, goofy, cute self around a boyfriend before.  I’ve always had to be hard, quick, smart, because I was always worried about whatever was going on.  I was the same before, all the time.  I was the sharp one at work, and I was the sharp one at home.  But with you I can relax a bit and just be… me.

Thank you for letting me be me.  For showing me how much fun that can be 🙂

I love you babe 🙂



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