
I feel so much better now that I’ve eaten lunch.  I was hurtin’ this morning.  Last night Trav and I decided to go to happy hour with a girl I work with.  This girl is a bit quirky, and initially comes off as sort of condescending, and to put it bluntly, a bitch.  But it really all just comes from her insecurity, and she’s a good girl.  So anyway, an hour into happy hour I can tell Travis’ opinion of this chick has done a complete 180.  They’re getting along great and dubbed each other honorary brother and sister. 

They’re both talkers, and at points it was a bit too much for me.  My brain sort of goes on overload when there’s a lot of talking like that.  I get a little anxious.  But it was all good – they were getting along.  Around 7:30 I got us two last drinks and tabbed out.  $100 down, but ah well, we were having a good time. 

We went in to play pool and Trav asked “If I pay you back, is it okay to open up another tab?”  He didn’t want to go yet, and neither did J so I told him that was fine.  Needless to say, $60 more and 3 hours later we’re leaving the bar.  We had a lot of fun, but I was hating myself this morning.  I was planning on coming in at 7 this morning, but I knew when I woke up at 3am dying of thirst that wasn’t going to happen lol.

All that being said, this morning was rough.  Had to have Trav drive me to work because my truck was there.  And on the way he had a boy moment where he was yelling about every other driver on the road.  Don’t get me wrong, I think most drivers are idiots, but I couldn’t handle it this morning.  I snapped at him.  Probably more aggressively than I have in any other instance.  Yeah, one of those mornings. Lol

Okay, so, boring entry I know, but I had to write something.  I’m slammed at work and needed a break for a sec.  I’m ready to go home, slip into my PJs and go right to sleep.

Mmmmmm… Sleeeep 🙂



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