Here’s to the future






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I’ve had a good weekend so far, despite a couple of moody moments.  It’s funny, when I say I have a moody moment, it’s probably fairly minor compared to many people, and definitely compared to many women.  I’ve been told so at least.  I suppose I’m sort of like a guy in that sense.  Funny though, a year ago my moods were like a rollercoaster.  Up and down, here, there, everywhere.  I had so many things going on in my life at the time, and was doing so many self-destructive things that my mind just couldn’t handle it. 

These days I’m back to my normal self, steadfast, headstrong, and for the most part on an even keel.  Anyway, the recent mood swings aren’t severe by any means – just sort of feeling sad here and there.  This is mainly provoked by the fact that Travis and my schedules being polar opposites.  I work Monday to Friday, 8 to 5 or 6, depending on my work load.  His typical schedule is working a double (10am – 10 or 11 pm) Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and then 2 night shifts during the week (4pm – 9 or 10pm).  So that means our time together is limited to 2 nights a week.

All that being said, I”m just having to get used to having to schedule our time together.  And it’s getting easier as the weeks progress.  Just sort of hits me sometimes during the weekends because that’s when I have a bunch of time off and when he is working the most.

So that’s that :).  No big worries here.  I just miss my baby, that’s all :).  He is working though, and he works hard, and I’m so damn proud to have him in my life.

Looking into the future however, I’m getting super excited about the next year.  I have my finances worked out to where I will have the debt to my parents paid off by the end of October.  Then I have 4 months to save until my anticipated finally-move-out-of-my-parents’-house-for-good date.  March 1st, 2011.  That’s when I move.  I will have enough money saved up for deposits, first month’s rent, and all the furnishings I need.  When I split with my ex I gave up everything, and when I moved from my last house I sold my furniture.  I have a dining room table so I’ll just need a living room and bedroom set.

When I move everything will be new.  I’ll be able to start completely fresh, and it will be all by myself.  I’m really excited about that.  I have a wonderful man in my life, but this move in March will

be on my own.  No man moving in with me, no roommates, no one to have any unwanted influence on which apartment I choose or what I buy, or what I do with my new space.

It will be my true induction into independence.  8 months and counting… here’s to the future 🙂

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June 5, 2010

onwards and upwards!