
Perhaps I will get a decent entry written today.  I have a "floating" desk in my office – people who work remotely use it when they are in town.  And right now we’re training a new account manager, so she’s been in here every day.  I enjoy everyone I work with but I do much more enjoy it when I’m alone in my office.

Since I started writing on OD again, I haven’t given any background on myself, so I’ll do a little bit of that obligatory "About Me" entry now.

I’m 25, and live in Texas, and I love long walks on the beach, and picnics.  Oh wait, this isn’t a personal ad.  Let’s start that again. 🙂

I work as an account manager for a software company, and most days, I love what I do.  Our software is used in hospitals and clinics around the country, and has helped who knows how many patients.  I started here almost 2 years ago as the office manager and last November was promoted to assistant account manager.  I work a lot – almost always more than a 40 hour week – but It’s not so bad.  The people I work with are great, and I couldn’t ask for more than to (most mornings) wake up and be okay with going to work.

I met my boyfriend in November as well, through e-harmony.  Yep, good ol’ online dating.  So far, so good.  He’s a good man, and I think I’m finally mature enough to be in a relationship.  It works.  We’ve never had a big argument (knock on wood), and I’m satisfied in all ways with him.  There are definitely moments, like any relationship, where everything isn’t all peachy-keen, but overall it’s good.  It’ll be 6 months next month.  Crazy how the time flies.

The relationship I was in before this one was toxic.  If you even want to call it a relationship.  It is where most of my "baggage" comes from, unfortunately, although I have learned to let the majority of it go.  It’s also what many of my feelings about how I want to live my life have come out of as well.  So I suppose it could be seen as a good thing. 

Let’s see, what else.  I was engaged once.  To a man I dated for 4 years.  It wasn’t meant to be though.  I met him when I was 18.  We split when I was 22.  I started to grow up.  He didn’t.  And that was that.  Nothing crazy, nothing too ugly, it just was what it was.

My family – they’re awesome.  I have one little brother, 10 years my junior.  He’ll be driving soon.  Crazy.  My Mom is a Physical Therapist and my Dad is a professor for a couple of different online schools.  I’m currently living with them about an hour away from where I work.  Well, "them" being a loose term, as my Mom Isn’t home during the week, and just now found an assignment where she is close enough to come every weekend.  But yeah.

I’m counting calories these days, and have been doing pretty well.  I’m limiting myself to 1500 calories a day, and am normally just around that.  I’ve lost 2 pounds so far, so that’s a start.  I’m hoping to see a weight that starts with a 1 sometime soon 🙂

Enough rambling for today… maybe more later.



style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  I’m hoping to see a weight that starts with a 1 sometime soon 🙂

Enough rambling for today… maybe more later.



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Because getting better seems to be more fearful than not. I know that doesn’t make much sense but that’s the best I can come up with.

You are exactly on track. Don’t worry about asking too many questions. I appreciate your interest. I may return the favor one of these days.

Yeah, I definitely know that.

May 26, 2010

good job on losing 2 pounds