
I have the urge to write but I don’t know what about.

I don’t even think I want to write about the stuff that’s happening these days, there’s just too much wonked emotion to get down.  I can mention some good things that have been happening lately, as well as some not so good.


The Good:

– Got a potential commission to do a pair of maile gloves.  I need to get into touch with the guy this week.

– Got a potential lead on a couple stores that may take some of my stuff up on consignment, just need to get a decent array of work so I can knock their socks off.

– I’ll be going to Make Olympia again this next month, I’m excited for that.

– I turn 26 in exactly one week.


The Bad:

– Still fighting with Court.

– Didn’t get the room that I looked at and wanted; I didn’t get it for a good reason, but it doesn’t make it any less painful to not get it.

– Bon’s been sick and cranky lately and our week’s been so wonked that we haven’t talked much.

– Been angry lately for some ungodknown reason.

– I turn 26 in exactly one week.


Yeah..the birthday thing has me excited and depressed at the same time.  I’m nowhere near where I wanted to be at this age, and I’m looking around at all my friends and loved ones who I grew up together with and I’m finding out that they all have lives and spouses, family and jobs that they actually love.  Me? I have a complicated love life, 8 hamsters, and a job that makes me want to go out and drink myself into oblivion.  I do have friends who love me, so that’s a plus.

I’m so sleepy. c.c Two more hours of work.

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August 26, 2011

I know how you feel. I’m also turning 26, and so many of my friends have their success, or at least seem happy with their station in life as they get there. So, people without schizophrenia can get angry without knowing why? I actually thought that was a schizophrenia thing.

August 26, 2011

Oh, also, one question, and I don’t mean this in a critical way (but you probably know that by now): is fighting with Court ever a constructive thing? Does it ever go anywhere?