Theme of the Week

I’ve been thinking about the theme of the week for a while, trying to figure out what I would consider my favorite quote to be right this moment.  It’s another one of those things that changes with my mood and where I’m at in my life at that moment. I can say that my favorite quote comes from Richard Bach, who’s one of the best writers that I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing, and there’s so many quotes from his books that speak truth to me.  I picked up three copies of the book Illusions, and three copies of The Messiah’s Handbook and I have to get more copies of both.  I hand them out to friends and tell them not to worry about returning them if they don’t want… I actually gave a copy of the Messiah’s Handbook, because it needs to be experienced and it’s helped me.

So, my quote for this time in my life:


“When we put up with any situation we don’t have to put up with, it’s not because we’re dumb. We put up with it, because we want the lesson only that situation can teach, and we want it more than freedom myself.” – Richard Bach

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August 19, 2011
