To Do List:

It’s Tuesday.  I have till tomorrow night to get everything packed and ready to go for the weekend.  So, my list for today!

To Do:

* Ship the Silver Barrette today that was bought on Etsy.
* Pack up the 30 odd barrettes that I finished the other day.
* Go through maile kit and pack up everything I’ll need to take with me.
* Clean out the car.
* Buy a lantern, a cooler, toasting forks, and charcoal.
* Start making Aurora’s bracelet.
* Do laundry.
* Pack as much as I can.

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July 26, 2011

I love making lists. I hope you get it all done, girl!

July 27, 2011

Pack an extra set of pliers… i always seem to lose one set somehwere >.> Have fun!

July 27, 2011

Your jewelry is so cool. 🙂 Have fun on your trip! <:3~

July 30, 2011

ryn: Ooo! Good luck selling. And I hope it’s cooler over there than here. The heat index reached over 100. 😛 Though it was cloudy when we went, at least. Yes, losing Borders sucks. The discounts were good. Sigh! <:3~