

It’s early. I’ve been up for about an hour and a half and everyone else has laid down to go to sleep.

I wonder what I can do today while everyone’s sleeping.

I’m thinkin about going out to the garage and trying to organize it some.  I don’t think I’ll get much done, but it’ll be fun to root around and see what I can find.  Maile first though.

There’s not much to talk about… been having weird dreams, but been having decent days for the last couple ones.  Had a breakdown at work last Wednesday, but finally went back to work on Saturday.  Tomorrow will be my first day back with people and I’m kind of worried about it, but not too worried.  It’ll work out one way or another.


Just put in my application for a new job, and for a faire this month. Hopefully they still have openings.  ::crosses her fingers::

John, I’m still serious about dragging monkeyville monkeys around to the faires here.  😛 I keep talking about your monkeys and passing out cards.

Okay. Maile.

Dooot do doooo!


Oh, and Happy Fourth of July!

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July 4, 2011

Ryn: I feel like I’ve been screaming that “God is Love” message to the sky for years, and too few people ever listen. For too many people religion isn’t about Love and Helping Others, it’s about belonging to the “in group” and shunning everyone else.