It’s been a pretty decent week, if I say so myself. I really need to write more often than I do. ::laughs:: I always say that, and I always mean it but I never seem to find the time and the inspiration at the same time. Either I’m at work and I don’t have any time but I have all the things going on in my head, or I’m at home with all the time in the world and not a thought in my head. Isn’t that how it usually goes?
My maile work has been pretty good, haven’t been doing much lately though, been working on getting things set up and playing with designs and the like. I want to work on my Etsy again, and will do that either tonight or tomorrow… going to customize some things and yeah. ::grins:: It’ll be good.
Work was okay today. Not good, not bad, just okay. Tomorrow’s Friday and I can’t wait for that. Friday’s a good day, the best day of the week, me thinks. It’s been amazing, weather wise, this week, and the weather’s supposed to be good through the weekend too. Mom and I went and got bins for our material so we could organize it and have it set up properly… now we just need to move the boxes that are in the area that we want to put the material into. Wheee… gotta love us and our projects. I think (and Mom agrees) that this weekend we’re going to work on cleaning up and organizing things. I have some more boxes that need to go up to my bedroom and I have some things I need to do, some boxes I need to put together and shove in the closet so I don’t have to bother with them anymore. ::chuckles:: Whee?
Mom and I are watching Shutter Island right now. It’s interesting, and I never realized that DiCaprio (?) was a good actor. I never cared much for him and this is the first movie that I’ve seen him in since Titanic and I really like it. Although I don’t think it’s a movie that you can see more than once and get the same effect from. From all appearances, mom isn’t getting much from the movie. That’s okay though.
Courtenay sent me another package, it arrived yesterday. The mailman delivered it to the neighbors instead of to my house, but they gave it to us last night. I’m now the proud owner of a huge stack of comics, including a bunch of Deadpool. I <3 Deadpool. He’s crazy.
Tomorrow Mom and I are going to move things around and get Momma’s material into their own place. ::nods::
Saturday I’m going to go lounge outside at the fountain and read or work on maile, or probably sleep. I doubt I’d sleep though, there’ll be a dozen or so kids running in the fountain. I even bought a floppy hat.
I don’t really have anything else I want to say right now.
I’m going to go get some sleeps.
OMG DEADPOOL. <3 gotta love him. I wish I was as close with my mom as you are with yours. You guys do things together and you get along. If I tried to do things with my mom (well, I couldn’t anyway, she lives hundreds and hundreds of miles away), then I’m pretty sure we would have lots of disagreements. I love her though. Anyway, so glad today is Friday. Have a fantastic Friday. ;D
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Yes Fridays are the best =]
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