Game On!

 Well, tonight was game night and it went really, really well, if I do say so myself.  I made it to the cafe at 4 and Matt was right behind at around 4:10 or so.  He as a dear and wanted to give me a ride but I didn’t know it so I took the bus instead. Bob and Kevin made it not soon after and Podling was the last to show up cuz he was shopping with his Mom.  

The game went well.  They rescued the towns people from the demonic unicorn, only to find out there were two others "Mommy and Daddy" as the young kid who told the crazy what was going on.  They ended up dropping a cave on one of them (one of the characters is a explosives expert and one of his starting bits in his kit was a bit of plastic.  He ended up putting the explosives in the cave and dropping the entire cave on one of the creatures, killing it outright… they have the drop on the one that’s left and they’ll probably end up killing it without too much hassle, so I have to figure out what the hell I’m going to want to have happen next.  x.x Well, I have an idea of the things that need to happen but I need to get some filler in there.  

Matt came over afterwards; I had him sit down and play Braid.  He enjoyed himself, I think.  I’ll have him play Bioshock next.  I think he’ll get a kick out of that game.  

But yeah, the evening went well.  Work was very work-like.  No complaints but no real things to talk about. Except for the fact that I’ve been really tired lately, and I don’t know why.  i hope I can get up and do things this weekend, maybe that’ll help.  

I have no clue what I want to do tomorrow.  c.c I have no plans and I don’t think Momma has any plans either, so that’s good.  Friday we’re going to sit down and hash out the game.  

Oh, and I slept well after I wrote out the last entry and got some answers to that question from my friends… I don’t know if it was the answers to my question that made me relax, or the writing, or the shamanic drumming cd that I threw into my laptop to play… but I slept well.  

Okay, oozing off to sleep.  

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January 7, 2010

Wow, this RIFTS campaign is sounding a bit like the last campaign of Hackmaster I played in: Fun and a bit disturbing. But that was due to the fact that our characters were pretty much stupid crazy. I think I posted some game highlights during that month or two that we played. Cave Squirrels! And when in doubt, blow crap up and drop the environment on them.