Year End Review

A friend of mine, whom I’ve known for years, always used to write in his journal either on the last day of the previous year, or on one of the first days of the new one, and go back and list all the bad and good things that had happened in the previous year.  Kind of a karma countdown or something.  I’ve been working on that for the last few days, and Mom and I talked about it last night (well… around 2 am this morning) and we came up with a list.  I’m actually surprised to find that there are really few bad things on it.  Mom says it’s because we haven’t had anything bad that was life changing happen to us.  And I think she’s right.  I can peer over my journal for the past year and see times when I was really upset and realize that really nothing’s come of it.  So yeah.  I’m going to post my year end review.  oh, it’s in no particular order.  I was thinking about dating these and try to figure out what came first and next and so on, but gave up.  My memory isn’t all that good.

The Bad:

— The whole situation with Kuri.  Kuri is an ex girlfriend of mine and the situation was handled poorly on both sides when we started really having problems.  I still miss her and I think enough time has elapsed that we can start talking again and see if there’s anything left.  On the plus side, if it wasn’t for Kuri, I would never have become close with Scott.

— Maili lost her baby.  This about broke my heart.  Maili got preggers end of January, found out about it in March, and lost the baby in April.  She took it harder than she thought she would, and even though her boyfriend/husband/thing (I really don’t know how to classify him anymore) wants to try again, she’s not ready.

— Nikki wasn’t able to come up to visit the way we wanted her to.  I really want to meet Nikki and I can’t wait to try to find a time for her to visit this year.

— Work Drama.  There’s really nothing I can say about this, except for the fact that although it was tiring and my brain and body still hurts, it wasn’t all _that_ bad, except for the fact that we lost Mrs Debi.  Hopefully most of the really bad drama’s over.


The Good:

— I started dragging Podling (Michael) around with me whenever I did anything around town.  He’s gone to movies (X-Men and Ice Age 2), events (Arts Walk, Zombie Walk), Festivals (Film Festival, All Freakin’ Night), and he’s going to end up going to a play this year, and a couple more movies, and who knows what else.

— We moved into a new place that’s awesome.  Not only is my brother not allowed here and doesn’t know where we moved to, but Mom has squirrels and rabbits to watch and I finally feel almost safe.

— We  visited Aunt Louise and the family back East.

— I got to go into the Experience Music Project and the Sci-Fi Museum for the first time.  Actually, I got to go into them twice, once with Mom and once with Scott.  Speaking of Scott…

— Scott and I got together this past year.  April 22nd.

— Scott came to visit over my birthday, which was a lot of fun, even though we both got sick.

— I finished my first year in Finance without any major mishaps.

— I got to know Miss Penny and realized that first impressions really aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

— Ben and I are closer than we’ve ever been before.  He’s finally accepted the fact that even though we don’t have a romantic relationship, we really do have a close relationship and he’s pretty happy with it.  He’s started complimenting me more and realizing that he enjoys my company… well… not realizing, he’s known that, but he’s finally started admitting that he enjoys my company and misses me when I’m not around.

— Stopped playing WoW and moved on to Fallen Earth, which is fun but doesn’t eat away at my life as bad… most of the time.

— Wrote a complete first draft of my novel and have already started the editing process on it.  Which is the first time I’ve ever edited anything.

— Got to go to see two amazing bands in concert.

— Mom and I realized that we had friends that we actually want to be around in the winter time, which is the first for us.  We threw our first New Years Eve party for _our_ friends, as opposed to Dad’s drunken cohorts.  We had some alcohol but there was no one really getting drunk (except for Mom, who needed a night where she could get pickled, and she was just plain funny).  

And last but not least…

— Mom and I are still getting along really well, still both employed and in good health.  We have a good, safe place to stay, good friends to come and visit and to go out with, and even when we’re tired and stressed, we’re happy.

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January 2, 2010

RYN- Yea it’s his newest one. pretty good so far.

January 2, 2010

I’m glad you had a good year. 🙂

January 2, 2010

first, Happy New Year! RYN: “Zombie Haiku” is hilarious. When I was in a play a few year ago, we would read it aloud to each other backstage as a stress relief. Good to know even zomibes have bad days sometimes. “Vampire Haiku” is not as funny, but it’s still a good story. Have you read either one?

January 2, 2010

ryn: Thankfully you’re in America, we don’t burn witches here, we hang them. ::nods::

January 3, 2010

ryn: Hahaa, I can’t draw either! I’m hopeless at it, but I’ve taken art for GCSE so I kinda have to 😛