Happy New Year!

It’s a new year, and it’s 3am and I’m still awake.

Well, I’m still having my party.  

We finally got to start on the RIFTs game at around 2am.  So it’s been going on for about an hour.  And I forgot how much fun this group is.  ::grin:: I’m keeping track of the game on Obsidian Portal so if anyone wants to keep an eye out on it and hear about our epic journey, then they’re welcome to follow along.

I want to do some resolutions, but not till I wake up and whatnot. 

So sleepy.  Still have to GM.  Woooooo!

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January 1, 2010

Yeah, hey, happy new gaming year. May Gygax watch over us and bless us with fine adventures.

January 1, 2010

ryn: Wow, it sounds like a really good job. I just hope that in future years, I can be just as happy working wherever I’ll end up working…if that makes sense. Happy New Year 🙂

January 1, 2010

ryn: Speaking of Zombie games, I have a number of books from the “All Flesh Must be Eaten” line … I was even set up to write them a book freelance, but that fell through … considering the business problems they were having at that time, it was for the best. At least count I have 4 grand in gaming books, plus a number no longer in print and/or signed by the authors – so I’d die if my

January 1, 2010

books vanished. (some of those books are nigh impossible to find anymore) You know, you really need a “private note” option on this thing, because I have this thing about writing personal messages where anyone can read them … makes my hair stand on end.

January 2, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! RYN- The book is “The Dome” and so far it’s pretty good!!