Boom inventions

Boom inventions


Problem : Bed is on a frame with castors on the bottom and your bed keeps moving around on the hard wood floors.

Boom solution:

1. Go to your fridge and pound back 2 beers. 

2. Rince out  beer cans and shake out excess water .

3. take an old rag or t-shirt and cut 2 pieces of cloth about the size of the beercans  width & height.

4. lift one end of the bed and place beer cans ( on side ) on top of the cloth and set the wheels into the middle of the can. This will cause the can to form arround the castor and act like a break. 

5.sit and bounce on the bed a few times to make sure can is completly flattened.

for best results, substitue pieces of thin rubber from an old shower mat for the pieces of cloth. the rubber and cloth are to stop from any scratches or stains that the beer cans may cause. Sure you can go to the store and buy these little things that will stop your bed from rolling but I ask you this. would you rather sleep on cheap little heartless plastic things with no charactor or beer cans?…I choose beercans’s got more style ! For added anti-roll support add another 2 cans under the wheels at the other end of the bed.

I noticed while I was coming up with this stupid ass idea on how to fix yet another one of lifes little pains in the butt that i’ve had some pretty good ideas over the years .

replacing a popped button on a pair of jeans with a bread bag clip.

vaseline to stop a leaky toilet.

ironing a shirt with a pot of hot water

countless numbers of repairs done to my house , but i’m not going to list them. I might have to sell this place some day and i don’t want what i say here to come back to haunt me…lol

Just did this tonight with the bed. laughed my ass off when i realized what it was i was actually doing.figured i’d save it in here for prosperity.

later fuckers

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lol very creative.

October 14, 2006

not creative at all….just too friggin cheap to buy the little plastic things