Upside to sickness.

Bryan is very sick.  He came down with some kind of viral thing about a month ago and never really regained his energy.  Combined with a nasty ear infection that is causing a major migraine and a bad reaction to the Singulair he started yesterday, he is down and out for the count.  Really down.  We went to the doctor this afternoon and, as soon as we got back home, he went to bed.  His parents left around 6:30p to pick up the twins, run errands, and get dinner so I was alone until everyone came home at 9p.  Killed time reading The Bonesetter’s Daughter and watching the end of Deal or No Deal, while checking on Bryan every hour to make sure he was still alive and hydrated.  He was and continues to be.  Poor baby, he needs lots of TLC.

I had things I wanted to do this afternoon — studying, a little shopping; I hadn’t planned on spending eight hours taking care of my ailing boyfriend.  But two things made it worth it.  First: On our way home from the doctor’s office, Bryan was in a lot of pain.  He couldn’t get very comfortable because his head hurt so badly.  But, at one point, he reached over, took my hand, and said, "Thank you for taking care of me.  I love you."  I was there for him regardless, but it was nice to be appreciated from the throes of his pain.

Then tonight, his mom told me I could stay the night at their house if I wanted to.  I can’t because I work at 9a tomorrow and all of my work stuff is here at the apartment, but I was touched by her offer.  It means a lot that she recognizes my concern for her son, that I also want to constantly know that he is okay and be available for anything he needs.  It felt like a new step in our relationship, that she was truly acknowledging the love and dedication we feel for each other.  Wonderful.

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