Dreaming of Ghosts

I had a pretty bad nightmare last night.  It woke me up around 3am, which is pretty rare.  Actually, now that I said that, it’s been happening more often over the last 6 months or so.  In any case, my dream last night was pretty intense.  I dreamt that I was lying in bed, on my stomach, and all of a sudden my sheets started moving.  The right side started being pulled, and then the left side.  Some supernatural presence was pulling my sheets tighter and tighter.  They were pulled down so tight that I couldn’t move.  I struggled, but it was too strong.  I couldn’t fight it.  I was scared out of my mind.

That was the main part of the dream.  I can’t remember the rest of it, but I did wake up around 3am, completely disoriented.  Creeped out for a moment, but I made myself go back to sleep.


Friday was fun – my boss paid for us to do a wine tasting at a local wine bar.  We got to try three white wines, one with fried calamari, one with ahi tuna, and one with a delicious scallop.  Then we tried three red wines – one with a 5-cheese pizza, one with filet mignon, and one with lamb.  All of them were fantastic.  Then we all went to a neighboring restaurant and had some more drinks.  I love that the place I work for does fun stuff like that once in a while.  In April we had the food and wine festival, in January we had a murder mystery dinner at this great Italian place downtown, and in December we went to Jasper’s to watch the UT Championship game.  How awesome is that 🙂

I met Trav where he works after that.  He had just been cut, so I had a drink and waited for him to finish up.  We went to Friday’s for drinks and had a very interesting conversation.  It’s been a while since we’ve had a "deep" conversation like that.  I told him about a fantasy I have (no, not that kind of fantasy you pervs ;)).  I told him that I have always fantasized about paying off my debt, and then traveling the country, with everything I have in one bag, stopping in whatever small town I want, finding a job somewhere, and staying there until I got bored.  Then packing up and moving somewhere else. 

I would love to travel the country in that manner.  To have no ties and be able to move whenever I want.  To see the country – the small country towns, the beach towns, the large cities.  And to do it all without a real plan.  Travis said, "I’ve never heard that before.  It’s pretty sexy.  I like it."  I told him I had never told anyone that before.  It isn’t something that could easily be done.  And it isn’t necessarily feasible.  And it would break every plan I’ve made money-wise, career-wise, etc.  But it would be so much fun :).  Like I said, it’s just a fantasy 🙂

I was going to write some more, but I think I’m going to get off of here and relax.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend.


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May 23, 2010

that traveling thing is a fantasy of mine too