Getting that itch…

…to move back to Austin.  I’ve been in San Marcos for 10 months now, and I’ll be here for 8-9 more.  I love my family and I love living with them.  But it’s so damn hard not having my own place.  Part of it is the fact that I’m so far away.  When I stay In San Marcos, my commute to work can be anywhere from 1 to 2 hours one way.  That makes for a very long day.  On top of that I have no real personal space.  Don’t get me wrong – I’m very lucky to have my own room and pretty much a run of the top floor most of the time.  But I can never come home and just lounge.  Even though it’s my family’s house, I still feel like a guest, since I’ve lived on my own before.  And on top of that, Travis moved back in with his parents too.  So after the end of this month, when my house-sitting gig is up, we have nowhere to be alone.  And I don’t even mean that necessarily in a sexual sense, just in general a place we can just relax, the two of us.

I guess I’ve just been nomadic for too damn long lol.  After thinking about it, when I lived up north of Austin, I was never home – I was always at D’s house or in San Marcos.  I never really used that house as a "home-base."  Plus, I had two roommates, so it was never really "my" space.  So, that being the case, the last time I really had a place to call "home" was back in 2007.  When I was with my ex, Jesse.  So by the time I move into my own place again, it will have been almost 4 years of being here and there.

I suppose since I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, it makes me that much more anxious :).

Regardless, I am fixing the situation that I helped create.  I was not responsible with my money when I was with Jesse, and am in debt because of it.  Recently, I used a credit card for a couple of things when I really shouldn’t’ have, so I suppose I still have a bit of trouble with spending today.  But I’m getting better.  And I have a plan.  By the end of November, I should be completely paid off.  No credit cards, no debt to my parents, just school loans (which I don’t really count).  I just have to stick it out until then.  And of course, I can do that.  It just helps to get my frustrations and exhausted-ness out sometimes I suppose. 🙂

But.  Today and yesterday I have been in a great mood.  I was starting to get in a funk and decided to snap out of it.  And it worked.  It’s sunny outside, I’m seeing my baby tonight, and I’m alive and kickin’ :).  Life’s pretty good right now.


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