Kickin’ Back I
After we left Joy Lane, we headed over to the Mind Body Spirit Event being held in the Anne Maria Gardens on Solomon’s Island. This was sort of in keeping with the tone of the morning. My brother, with the quick wit he’s famous for, pulled into the parking area and asked the attendant, “Can you tell me where the parking section for the ‘mind’ is, because my body is completely out of shape?” The guys exploded with laughter as did we.
The Mind Body Spirit Event was not terribly exciting. It was mostly an outdoor collection of local merchants plying their wares, but I did have some excellent gazpacho soup while Hopeful1 and my brother split a vegetarian wrap. Additionally we had some fun participating in a Drumming seminar. We did that for about twenty minutes before it got a tad boring and left us feeling a bit like pre-schoolers.
My brother noted that the woman directing the seminar appeared to be having the most fun of all. Interestingly we ran into the same woman at the natural food store later when we went in to buy wine and cheese!
After we left the Mind Body Spirit Event, my brother drove us to downtown Solomon’s Island where we browsed the little shops and picked up some small gifts for the folks back home. We also split a couple of pieces of home made Key lime pie and had cappuccinos (not Starbucks, but still very good).
We walked the full length of the Solomon’s Island boardwalk and all along the water front until I was quite tired and ready to go back to my brother’s place and relax.