The Cardinal in the Street

On the way to church this morning I passed an intersection and there
was this beautiful cardinal (as in red bird, not as in religious
figure) standing in the road. He was gorgeous but just stood there. I
assumed he would take off flying any minute as there was a little bit
of traffic out even though it was early, but he didn’t go anywhere so I
began to wonder if he were crippled or maimed or something. I wondered
if I should pull over or turn back and try to scoop him up and “save”
him. At this rate he might end up mowed down. But, I thought, I didn’t
really know exactly how to pick him up. I didn’t have gloves on. I
supposed I could somehow wrap him in my coat and maybe call animal
patrol. I really was at a loss so I just kept on driving, feeling a bit
guilty. I considered calling my husband (I was on my way to church – I
always go earlier than the rest of the family because I’m in choir) but
I didn’t know what my husband could do, so I didn’t call him.

felt ill at ease over leaving this remarkable bird sitting in the
intersection. He looked confused, pathetic, so alone. And he was such a
brilliant shade of red. I was afraid that he’d be condemned to death
because of me, and that bothered me terribly, but I wasn’t sure what to
do. Then it occurred to me that I wouldn’t have cared nearly so much
had it have been one of those plain gray birds of which we seem to have
hundreds everywhere. They’re unremarkable and not terribly lovely… just
one of the crowd. If one of those guys had been standing in the
intersection I may have shooed them on, but I certainly wouldn’t have
been feeling guilty or moved to return to the spot and rescue them. Why
is that? I wondered and realized that it has to do with the beauty… the
rare beauty of the cardinal. And I became quite aware of why it was so
important to me to have had that weight loss surgery. I put such a
tremendous value upon physical attractiveness to the point where I
obviously feel the physically attractive are even entitled to live over
the physically unattractive. That revelation really stunned me.

(Forgive any typos or if that didn’t entirely make sense. I’m half-asleep as I’m writing this. Good night!)

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Lol, I see bright red cardinals all the time when i’m out on the road; they always wave and smile and tell me i’m going to hell for being gay. Or, something like that. *is lost* Uh, I don’t really have anything else to say, fellow Illinoisian. randomnoter..person.

April 24, 2005

Maybe the Cardinal was there for the very reason to show you what you needed to see. I have said before that sometimes to find the true beauty, you have to look. You can find beauty in anything, but the outside always attracts the eye first. It isn’t wrong, unless you stop there and do not look any further. Love the mad cow

April 24, 2005

I had to add something, I do not think you fully understand the wisdom thet you give in here. Some people would not share such a personal revelation because of the fear of being judged. You have shared so that others may see as well. Love n calf slobbz the mad cow

April 24, 2005

I agree:)

April 24, 2005

I think alot of us feel that way too. This entry gives us alot to think about in judging others just by their looks. We have to learn to look into the hearts and souls of people instead of their appearances.

This is a woderful realisation!!! Embrace it and learn from it!

that was a good lesson. Liz

Hmmmmmmm, goes to show that we never know what kind of lesson God is showing us. Very interesting though hon! You sounded good in this entry. I LOVE THAT YOU WERE CONCENTRATING ON THAT BIRD> IT took thoughts away from you and things. DO that MORE often. HUGS to you!

April 25, 2005

Your thought processes are so deep. You have such a gift at recognizing valuable lessons and realities and putting them into words. Sometimes, it makes me think for days about it. The things that you learn about yourself, you also end up using to teach others (whether you mean to or not). What an insightful and interesting analogy (if that is what you call it). Love ya!– your daughter.

Great entry: thanks!