And for the facts, ma’am…

Oh yeah… I remember, I was using this diary to record facts too, LOL, not just mouth off!  My husband took the day off today.  I was sort of glad since I feel so rotten.  I don’t work Mondays anyway (church office closed) so I had scheduled my son’s iep conference today.  He’s in special ed because of his diabetes, not that it slows him down mentally, but when he’s absent due to complications, it’s very difficult for him to catch up.  That feeling of overwhelmedness caused a lot of emotion upheaval for him in past years.  He (we) were blessed with WONDERFUL teachers this year and he has had his best year EVER!  I was very pleased with what they said, but we do have to work on his attendance.  He got off to such a good start the first semester that we slacked the second semester and let him stay home more often than we should have.  This resulted in a C in biology for him instead of a B (darn), but he got Bs in everything else.  This means, of course, if he were there more often, he could conceivably get As…. now wouldn’t THAT be exciting.  Anyway, it was good.

We also took the dog to the groomers’.  She is adorable and sweet smelling now… cuddle time!!!  My daughter and son-in-law came over and we played Scrabble but she was easily frustrated today and sort of hard to be with.  While we were playing she also got a call from her doctor and was told that surgery is not recommended for her necessarily at this time.  My daughter is of the opinion that they should go in and investigate her ovarian cyst, clean out any endometriosis, and see if anything else is wrong.  Her doctor said they COULD do that, but then they would want her to do a 6 month course of Lupron.  One only has to look on the net for 10 minutes to find out HORRIBLE things about Lupron, so she definately doesn’t want to do that (and I don’t blame her), but she does want the surgery.  Her infertility doctor, on the other hand, would like her to wait until her next cycle and get another comprehensive ultrasound.  I think that’s a good idea, but my daughter is terribly frustrated because she’s anxious to get started with trying again.  She wants to do the infertility stuff and get pregnant and get the show on the road.  I’m not sure that’s the best idea, however.  Nevertheless, it was not a day to reason with her, she can be sort of moody and childish sometimes.  It was a better day to let her complain and have her emotions.  I was feeling lousy, however, so I was kind of glad when they left. 

My husband has been wonderful to me, making me soup and letting me rest.  We had a little conflict earlier in the day overe whose stuff was messier over in the desk/office area.  It didn’t end pleasantly, but we put it behind us… no choice, I was way to sick to pursue the subject and he was too wise.  He took a nap instead.

My husband and son are out at Target right now because they suddenly remembered that my son needs to buy a pair of shorts for gym.  The clip for his insulin pump broke and so he can’t really play gym with the proscribed gym clothes, I guess. (Not that he told us anything about this previously.)  Apparently now, he’ll get in trouble if he doesn’t come up with an appropriate pair of shorts with a pocket for the pump, so that he can play gym tomorrow.  Nothing like a little last minute notice… so my husband got stuck taking him out since I am already in my pajamas.  It takes TWO to raise a child!

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May 24, 2004

Glad your son’s conference went well! Nothing like a freshly groomed dog! I love it when our Beau has just visited the groomer…smells so good! Sorry you’re not feeling well…hope tomorrow is better! My kids were always good for telling us they needed something for school the night before! Lucky you were in your p.j’s so hubby could go! *Hugs*

May 26, 2004

hopefully they found the gym shorts.