
So anyway, dinner with Pip was nice, like I said.  As she mentioned in a note from my last entry, they did some ninja training.  (Ninja training began with Tots and Pi.  Tots would strike a defensive pose and Pi would bop him with a pillow.  Much laughter followed each bop by both parties.)  When Tots and Pip did ninja training, I believe he initiated it, by handing her the pillow on my bed.  They also made up a new game that involved a funny little "Mi, mi, mi" song and falling around the bed.  Games are fun!

They also enjoyed about a half a bag of popcorn together.  Tots became her instant buddy when it came out.  I actually found a couple of pieces on the floor that I am totally surprised he didn’t find.  However, I’m sure there are some he did find.

We watched Boondock Saints: All Saints Day.  I own it, so obviously I’ve seen it before, but I didn’t mind watching it again.  I don’t get sick of movies, and I forget a lot of things from them often.  It’s funny that we watched it, because one Friday last year doing dinner together, we watched the first one.

Tots woke up again while I was typing this entry.  I felt so bad last night when he just wouldn’t stay down.  I thought he was totally passed out, as his thumb was out of his mouth and he was no longer holding my hair.  As soon as he was down, he would roll over stick his arms into the air with "Uppy?"  It happened four, maybe five, times.  I had to step away for a minute.  Sometimes, I get frustrated because I never know how long it’s going to take for him to fall back asleep.  The anticipation is maddening.  Finally, we gave him some Baby Tylenol, and he was able to drift back to dreamland.  I just wish we had thought about doing that in the first place.  I used that experience this time he woke up and couldn’t go back down, and just dosed him.  He was conked back out in no time.

Tots has been eating a crazy amount of food lately.  It makes me happy.  He’s even eating stuff that he’s refused before, like hard boiled eggs and peanut butter.  For breakfast, he had some of his normal bottle of Pediasure, a big handful of corn Chex, half an egg, and a bunch of pieces of melon.  So not only is he eating a lot, but a lot of variety.

I was just thinking back to when we went to his last weight checkup and reminded Pi of what the doctor said.  She told us, "Well, it looks like he’s doing very well.  You’re doing a good job and keep doing whatever you’ve been doing."  Just now, Pi said to me, "We feed him lead."

We had a pretty busy day.  We went to the dump, raked some leaves, and helped Mom plant some bulbs.  Later, I vacuumed Mom’s living room.  Her cat Fuzzy is appropriately named, I must say.  Then Tots stayed downstairs, so I could go upstairs to do some dishes.  I got all that I could fit into the strainer done, and now all the pots and pans and mixing bowls are clean.  I wiped down the counter, made some space on it.  I cleaned the stove-top.  I cleaned the upper cabinets.  (We had a lot of flies for a while, and they leave little brown and black dots on all the things they land on.  Yuck!)  Also, Tots and I took baby wipes to his crib and cleaned off all the little marks from his little hands and whatever else.

I really want to get the house in order before winter sets in.  I’m making baby steps.

Okay, I’ve done enough typing now.  Have a great day/night that you’re reading this!

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November 14, 2010

We borrowed the Boondock Saints movie from my BIL, but never got around to watching it. I find these days, I can’t be *too stimulated* close to bedtime, which is really the only time we can watch R rated movies. (We have the original.) Doesn’t it feel good to get your housekeeping done?

November 15, 2010

You’re doing a great job with the housework. It’s a challenge, especially when you have that darling baby of yours. So baby steps are totally appropriate. Also, the baby DID initiate it, by handing me the pillow. I didn’t know what he was doing, until he struck the pose and then I walloped him. And the mi mi mi game, well, I invented the song an the dance, but he added the falling down part. He’s a good game-player.