I feel the need to give a shout out to D.eannas mom. Not a good one either. I am going to just pray for her. Pray that she realizes that just because someone (her) is unhappy with their life, she has no reason to lie and try and bring others done.
this is not the first time and I am sure it wont be the last. MY problem is that I just need to stop ALLLLLL communication with her. I say one little thing, not even a bad thing and she tells De.anna that I am complaining about her.
Here is how it went down:
A few days ago, she asked me how things were going between D and I. I said everything was good..things are changing. And my dumbass says….she cleans more than ever though…
THAT WAS SAID AS A JOKE…kinda…she does clean more so it seems but that is not a PROBLEM. there is nothing wrong with cleaning.
So today she tells Deanna and I am complaining about her and her cleaning. That I went to her and said cleans too much.
WTF..grow up lady….you just turned 53 yrsold.
So i am going to pray for her mom. Pray that she grows up. Most importantly, I need to just STOP ALL talking to her.
Oh, she also told De.anna that Aa.den and I run the streets everyday. and she cant imagine how we have the money because there is only one income now. I told De.anna that it is none of her business. If I dont want to stay home, I wont.
thats it for tonight. I feel better now that I vented.