1 day down

Ok so I Have Not Had a Smoke in  1  day   This was my first complete day  of not smoking .. This is prob the 4 time I have tried .. We will see how  I Do …Day one was not so bad.. I do really really want one right now lol  But thats just cause my JACKETS  decided not to show up and play today lol And now I sit here wired as hell .,. Last time i tried to quit I couldnt sleep .. I really really hope that dont happen this time but it is almost midnight and I feel like i just got out of bed.. Well I am gunna go find something to do  I smoked alot when I was online so I think I need to get off this thing .. Wish Me luck …


OH ya each day I dont smoke I am paying myself 5 bucks . to get something fun with as a reward !! And to Help pay for Season Tickets to the Blue Jackets Next Season

 Daily Balance :  $ 5.00

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January 8, 2008

Are you using nicotine replacement? It’s hard to quit cold turkey.

January 8, 2008

I’m working on it myself-best of luck to you!

January 8, 2008

That’s awesome that you’re quitting! 🙂 Go, you. 🙂 (I’m very against smoking.) Maybe when you’re online, try having those candy cigarettes with you? That way, you can still get the illusion that you have something to smoke. Or maybe try eating carrot sticks or celery. Something with a similar shape to trick your mind into thinking you have a cigarette. Best of luck. Bye. 🙂 🙂 🙂

January 8, 2008

Good for you!

January 9, 2008

Good Luck! I hear some people are having success with Chantix, might be worth looking into.