Going Through the Emotions

Sometimes I feel happy
these times are amazing
Warmth fills my body
and my smile just can’t fade
I can joke around all day
and quote movies all night
I can make my friends forget their problems
and just laugh.

Sometimes I feel whimsical
these times are fun
Random thoughts run through my brain
and out of my mouth
I think up things that baffle some
and confuse others
I act on pure impulse
and throw caution to the wind.

Sometimes I feel dismal
these times are tough
I feel so empty
and blank
I pace around the house
and wait for something to happen
 I sit and write her name on my pad
and then erase it.

Sometimes I feel dynamic
these times are interesting
I may decide to re-arrange my room
and paint the walls
I get the sudden urge to move things
and shake up my life a bit
I get tired with doing nothing
and have to do something.

Sometimes I feel ireful
these times are scary
I have horrid thoughts
and consider acting on them
I will hate you
and tell you so
I say things
and wish I hadn’t.

Sometimes I feel generous
these times are pleasing
I would go above and beyond
and not think twice
I act on random impulses of care
and kindness
I make the effort
and ask how you are doing.

Sometimes I feel greedy
these times are intoxicating
I want a fancy car
and designer jeans
I want to win the lottery
and go on a spending binge
I want it all
and I don’t want to share.

Sometimes I feel rebelious
these times are indulgent
I smoke a little pot
and drink a few beers
I break a few rules
and play the music loud
I get tattoos
and have lustful thoughts.

Sometimes I feel lost
these times are infuriating
I want to just pull at my hair
and scream
I want there to be clear instructions
and a paved path in front of me
I don’t want to play a guessing game
and risk failure.

Sometimes I feel collected
these times are tranquil
I have things figured out
and in order
I know there’s no "meaning of life"
and I’m okay with that
I sit back
and enjoy the ride.

Sometimes I feel bitter
these times are complicated
I feel like I was stripped
and robbed of a childhood
I want everyone to feel disappointment
and maybe they’d understand
I don’t want help or sympathy
and yet I ask for it.

Sometimes I feel just okay
these times are bland
I’m not great
and I’m not horrible
I could be better
and I could be worse
I’m not numb
and yet I’m not conscious.

Sometimes I feel curious
these times are common
I wonder if everyone feels this way
and has these moments
I wonder if it’s just me
and I’m somehow special
I wonder who, what, where, when
and why.

Sometimes I feel happy
Sometimes I feel whimsical
Sometimes I feel dismal
Sometimes I feel dynamic
Sometimes I feel ireful
Sometimes I feel generous
Sometimes I feel greedy
Sometimes I feel rebelious
Sometimes I feel lost
Sometimes I feel collected
Sometimes I feel bitter
Sometimes I feel just okay
Sometimes I feel curious
…but I always feel alive.

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