
Every second of every day, something is happening in your life… It’s rare that something happens that makes you actually stop and think about it; the reasons behind it, the events leading up to it, the future that could possibly stem from it… It’s enough to flood your mind and drown your ambition.

For me, in this instance, it’s something that could easily be labeled ‘insignificant’ to the outsiders as well as the insiders. It’s something that may not mean alot to others involved, but it means a great deal to me. This is my escape route. My life has been so shitty for the past 13 months, and this may be the thing I needed to make that change.

Something happened in my life that I can’t stop smiling about. It makes me nervous, yet giddy. I am blushing more than ever. I am trying to fight back the smile of all smiles.

Like I said, if you knew what I was talking about you would most likely call it insignificant, and would advise me to not base any sort of life-changing decisions off of it… but I wouldn’t listen to you. I know this feeling, and it’s not one that I get often. I feel hopeful.

So… I know I said it to you before, and you know how I feel (and I certainly hope this doesn’t come off as over-kill), but you make me happy 🙂

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February 22, 2009

Thanks for responding back. I love it when something so insignifcant happens but it makes you giddy. It’s something you just want to grab ahold of with both hands and make it last forever. Whatever it be for you thats making you all happy and giddy hopefully it last for you.

February 23, 2009

yay for giddy smiley-ness 🙂 It doesn’t matter if something is insignificant to others, so long as it is important to you, that’s all that matters! K 🙂