Weaving jewelry social enterprise

 So I am going right now to show my jewelry and stuff to this program that makes jewellery and assesories made out of recyclable materials and sells them to supplement income. 

So they are going to look at the quality of my work and than I guess assess it as well as I guess talk to me and "interview" me. 
I have to meet certain requirements so I hope I do and it’s a good fit for me. 
It’s at the other end of the city but otherwise it seems cool. 
I also I think I mentioned volunteered to mentor an immigrant woman to help with her English and than in turn she may help me learn whatever language she speaks. 
Um otherwise I need a job soon. So I gotta start looking but not quite yet I need to pull myself together more and get right so I am confident enough in interviews etc… 
They loved my stuff but said I just need a bit of work with my ends in my jewelry. It was all Spanish speaking women but they were pretty sweet, maybe ill be learning a bit of Spanish by hanging out around there. I find Spanish people usually pretty open and friendly. So I am starting to knit up some scarves. They are having a sale on Tuesday so if I can make a few by than I can showcase them? 
The thing is that there is this stupid membership fee but its not paid by money it’s paid by a percentage of your sales I think or all your sales, I really have to check that out again. I mean really I have to sell 100 dollars worth of stuff before I make ANY money? Plus right now the things I do make I am paying for soo it’s not like I am using their materials. But it’s a good learning opportunity too. They make some pretty incrediblely cool stuff. 
I am going Tomm to a weaving class where they make placemats and blankets as well and you showcase and sell your stuff there too. So this is a different company so hopefully they don’t charge a huge percentage too. 
<div style="font-family: Noteworthy; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 24px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0976563); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); “>I mean these are programs for low income women, social enterprises let us make some money at the beginning its not like these are sweatshops or major businesses.
Anyways eventually as I learn more i wanna just want to sell more stuff in my own online or something or go to shows. Than no percentages will be taken off but right now I wanna network and learn the ropes and learn techniques and stuff. 
Going to make stir fry tonight I think. Mmmm 

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September 21, 2013

So cool about the jewelry. The $100 before you make money seems a little shady but I think you’re doing it right, learn as much as you can and use the skills for your own ventures! I’m sending you SUCCESS vibes::..::..::..:: 🙂

September 21, 2013

by the way, where do you find out about all these events?