It’s official!

 It’s official! 

So it’s official now! I got my fancy dancy acceptance letter to University! It looks all nice with nice envelope and stationary! 
I knew before I was getting in but I had my doubts and wanted to get the official word. It’s weird because the application said that it wouldn’t be a letter it would be a pick up. Because I hadn’t moved yet when I applied. But whatever I got it I was expecting a phone call though. 
Anyways was very happy to get it 
I finished the 2nd last thing to get my  student loan thing in order. I had to go downtown than didn’t know I needed my social insurance number so I had to go home, but after the initial irritation I plugged along getting that shit done 
Anyways it was kind of a blessing in disguise because I bought a scratch ticket to get change for the street car home and won some money as well! So shaped up to be a not bad day! 
Came home cleaned the shit out of my bathroom. And have to motivate myself to clean up more. I seriously need a routine and better organization habits but whatever for now I am cleaning and at least I care enough to want to keep things clean 
I am more of a disorganized messy not a gross messy (leaving food out and shit) I am more obsessive about that because my old room mates were gross like that. Food out for days, smeared on the fucking floor, plates left in the washroom! Burned pans on the balcony. Ugh it was just shameless! 
But I do need to keep things more organized and neat because I hate having to clean everything up in a binge than everything gets fucked up again. It’s about putting things back and straightening as you go. So I am gonna try to be more mindful of that. 
Both my parents were neat freaks my mother more so. 
<div style="font-family: Noteworthy; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 24px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0976563); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); “>feel like Having a "wine Thursday" in a bit. And just veg out a bit 
I deserve it! I’ve been grinding all week with things and I feel like I need a little celebration for getting the official word! 
I feel like I am finally more on the right track. All last year I was having some major issues adjusting to living w/ room mates, living alone and dealing with the shit area I was in that was isolated and boring and dangerous. 
So now I am in a better area, in the city, accepted into school and meeting some new people and organizing and am more determined to making my life better and do things I enjoy while getting shit done! 
I am proud of myself for getting to this point! 
So celebrate it is! 
I’ve come a long way. 

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June 27, 2013

WOOOOOHOOOOO! *hugs* CONGRATS! Best years of my life, bar none. Jump in, head first, and give it your all. You won’t regret it. đŸ™‚

June 29, 2013

R: Poor grandma. Allergic to the SUN!!!! That sucks. But some people are like that. If you got allergy testing as a child but feel like you may have developed allergies in your adulthood, you should get another test done. It is very possible to develop allergies. Also, if you lived in one place as a child and live in another as an adult, it can expose you to different allergens.

June 29, 2013

ryn: no way. i hate doctors. congrats!!!