Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

 I judge people. I judge people all day long. I used to judge people for a living. I judge them quickly and based on very superficial things. How much do they weight? What are they wearing? What the fuck happened to their hair? How do they speak? Boy oh boy do I ever judge. But I seem to judge in a very different manner from how some others do.


The Suffering is Dignity crowd. They differ from my tribe. My tribe is more of the Suffering is Silly and Best Avoided. Can there be a reconciliation of these tribes? 


I judge but I judge for different reasons than some I think. I judge to catalogue. I have built a million databases in my professional career and I build a mental database of people and places in my personal life. It makes pertinent information such as what to wear and talk about much faster to access. I enjoy that the world is full of different people with different interests and life styles. They fascinate me. I may not want to be like them but I am glad they exist.


I am not under some impression that my choices are the right choices for everyone. But they are the choices that work for me. Hence though I may judge you to categorize you I will not deem your choices wrong. They are yours, they must work for you. I will be judgy mcjudgerson about people who don’t make choices but that is another story I suppose.

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