
There’s a Slade song on a TV advert at the moment called Everyday and I’ve become a wee bit obsessed with it.

I think Slade are underrated these days, they have some great songs and were very successful in the 70s, although seem to have fallen off the rader while other classic bands have stayed popular.. I would love to have been around during the glam rock era; the platform boots, flared trousers and glitter, a la Velvet Goldmine. Love it. For my non-British readers, I’m not sure if you’ll have heard of Slade, but they have this song which gets played repeatedly every Christmas and it’s one of the songs that is the embodiment of Christmas itself, particularly the part at the end when Noddy Holder shouts “It’s Chriiiiiiistmaaaaaaas.”

And speaking of Christmas, I can move smoothly onto this terrible photograph of our Christmas tree.

Now it’s December, Christmas shenanigans are allowed. I don’t like the way people start banging on about Christmas before we’ve even got Hallowe’en out of the way. By the time Christmas day comes around, it’s lost some of its magic. So I try to avoid it as much as possible until December. I love Christmas, but I prefer it condensed into a shorter space of time.

Yesterday I was watching a film on the sofa when I suddenly got annoyed by the mess in the living room. So I started tidying it up, I had to pause the film so I could put things away in another room, and got annoyed by the mess in there too, so I ended up tidying the entire downstairs in the middle of watching a film. It was mainly piles of paper; things that come in the post, magazines, leaflets etc. I put away my stuff, our joint stuff, threw away a load of rubbish and made a pile of Jay’s things so he can sort through it himself. Then he got annoyed with me for ‘snooping’. Hey, you open your post and leave it scattered around the living room, you can’t get annoyed with me when I see it! If it’s private, put it away!

He got annoyed with me today as well because it took him three attempts to put the lights on the tree. I don’t know why that was my fault but he “Didn’t even want to do it anyway!” It’s ok, I only did everything else. I think he must be on his period…

I finally got my Jillian Michaels DVDs back. Jay’s sister came into our house while we were on holiday and stole them. I had a workout I was doing; working with a different DVD each day (there are four, so I did it four days a week), working my way up the difficulty levels. I started doing it in June until we went on holiday in October and was doing quite well; I even had the beginnings of a six pack showing and muscles in my arms! I was going to carry on with it when we got back, until I found out she’s been in and stolen them. So I eventually sent her a message on Facebook and she put them through the letterbox today. No apology, didn’t even wait to speak to me. It’s now been two months since I’ve worked on them so I’m back to my old shape (no muscles, wobbly tummy) and will probably have to start again at level one.

I’m not even sure if I’ll have time to do them four days a week anymore (it’s the principle though!) as I’m doing my dog walking and cat feeding around my full time job so I’m out of the house for 12 hours a day at the moment. That’s another thing I’m looking forward to being self-employed, spending more time at home and not having to drive a 50 mile round trip to work and back each day! I’m no under illusions that it’s going to be hard work and I’ll probably have to work some weekends, but, at the moment, I’m only home for about 3-4 hours each evening. When I’m working my own hours, I might have time for a dentist appointment, taking my car in for a service, doing an exercise DVD or being in when the postman arrives. Little things.

Ramble rambl

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December 2, 2013

I get urges like that; to tidy up when things mount up. Glad you got your DVDVD back, hope you get back to the fitness level you were before. I was looking at your 101 things and I think you’ve done 63 and 81. Not many days left to achieve everything. See you soooon.

December 3, 2013

RYN: I’ll be helping to manage the workflow of a team. Nothing glamorous but it’s a job!