NoJoMo Day 17

Last night 12 of us went out for Jay and his best mate’s birthday. We went to an American style place called Smokey’s. We went last year and really enjoyed so we thought we would go again. Our table was booked for 7pm and it was about 45 minutes before anyone even took our order. About 20 minutes later the waitress said there was going to be a short wait and please have these free nachos. Well they were all smothered in salsa and guacamole, which I don’t like, so I only had a couple that I managed to find with nothing on them. At 9pm, two hours after we arrived, the food started to come out. It took about half an hour for them to bring out 11 meals, Jay had already finished his by the time the waitress said “Right, is that everything?” I look at the empty space in front of me “Erm, no, I haven’t got anything.” So that took another 10 minutes, it came with the wrong side, there was a hair in it and it was cold. But I was starving by this point so I ate it anyway.

When we came to pay the bill, I said I wasn’t paying for mine for all the reasons listed above. The waitress argued with me, saying they told me there would be a wait and we got some free nachos. I told her we didn’t ask for the nachos and that doesn’t give them an excuse for bad service. She kept arguing that they were really busy, but I had seen people come in after us, eat their food and leave while we were still waiting, and I told her that if they didn’t have enough staff for all the covers, they should have fewer tables. She told me I had to pay for it because I’d eaten it and they have me on CCTV if I try to leave, they would call the police. YES I ate it, because I’d been waiting over two hours and I was starving by then, I’m not going to sit and watch everyone else eat their dinner.

After arguing for ages, I asked to speak to the manager. She went to get him and he wouldn’t come out but eventually agreed to a 10% discount. So I got my meal for £2, but I’m never going there again. I did tell the waitress that I knew none of this was her fault and I know how hard it is dealing with unhappy customers but it was just really badly managed. Urgh!

So anyway, after that was ruined, everyone else decided to go home, so there was only me and Jay left for visiting the pubs. We went to The Trough, which is a rock pub and is my natural habitat. We don’t get to go to them very often but I always feel instantly comfortable when I go into one. The way people dress, the music and the fact that everyone is friendly. I’ve seen plenty of fights on nights out but I have never ever seen a single fight in a rock club. People think that goths, metallers and bikers are scary, but they’re the nicest, most mellow and laid back group of people I know. There was a live band on when we went in and they did the best version of Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” that I ever heard, it was amazing.

While we were in there, this woman kept walking past who looked familiar, I recognised her from some of Jay’s old Facebook photos. I was sure it was his ex, but I looked over at him and he didn’t seem to react so I thought I was wrong, I’d never seen her before in real life. But we were in the taxi on the way home and he said “My ex was in there.” I was right! It must have been strange for him, it’s the first time he’s seen her since Christmas Eve 2008 when they were arguing and she stormed out. Their relationship didn’t end on good terms, she was cheating on him for ages which is why they split up. He said he was worried at one point because I went to the toilet and she went straight after, he thought she was following me! Why on Earth would she follow me, and why would that be worrying? I didn’t even see her but if she had spoken to me, what’s the problem? Everyone has a past!

Well we were having such a good time in The Trough, I didn’t notice the time and we ended up getting home about 2:30am, I haven’t stayed out that late for ages!

Well anyway, I’m sure none of you read that entire page of rambling, it was really for me just letting my fingers do the talking.

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November 19, 2013

I read it! Then sneezed on it. Then sneezed on this note.