Wedding; photos

It’s been about three weeks since I last wrote. The only really significant thing I’ve done since then is go to Rob and Angi’s wedding. Jay and Rob have been best friends since time immemorial so he was the clear choice for best man. Rob stayed at our house the night before, as is tradition for the bride and groom to spend the night apart before the wedding. So, although I wasn’t the official photographer, I couldn’t resist getting a few photos of the boys getting ready.

The boys, hungover from “Rob’s last night of freedom.”

The star blanket that Angie made is on the back of the chair :o)

Rob’s buttonhole looks like a tiny bouquet :o)

Jay looking all posh <3

Getting in the car.

Playing with the rings.

I didn’t take any photos of the wedding and only got one of the cake cutting. Everyone else was taking photos so I decided just to relax. There were photobooth type props on all the tables so we had fun playing with those. There was a live singer and then a DJ who played LOADS of different types of music. He’d play 10 minutes of classic ska, 10 minutes of 70s rock, 10 minutes of 60s dance etc. It was great, I danced for ages.

Jay making fun of Matt’s monobrow.

Me doing my gorgeous face.

Jay, quiet, reserved Jay; he somehow managed to start a massive conga, an “Oops Upside Your Head” dance, a big Hokey-Cokey to a song that wasn’t even the Hokey-Cokey and a huge line of people leg-kicking to New York New York. I have no idea how he managed to get so many people involved! If I tried that, I’d be congaing around the room on my own, lol. I suppose it did help that his best man’s gift package included a bottle of vodka and he’d drunk most of it, on top of a number of pints of lager so he was, um, slightly merry.

Matt and Vicky came round for dinner last night. They’ve not been together long and I’ve only met Vicky a couple of times. She was quiet to start with, but I think I was too when I first met Jay and his friends so it takes a while to get comfortable around everyone. At the wedding she started to open up so we might get to know her a bit better now. Jay made a three course meal and I put together a posh menu to give them when they arrived, lol. I don’t know why he went to so much effort to be honest, Matt’s just one of his mates and would be happy with a pizza. This meal cost us about £40 when we’re supposed to be saving money to spend on the house. Ah well, if we all went out to a restaurant for dinner it would cost a lot more than £40 and it’s fun to eat a nice meal sometimes.

After we ate, we played a couple of board games that Vicky brought round. I haven’t played board games for years and we had a good laugh :o)

Only seven sleeps until Florida, this time next week the plane will just be landing! So exciting. I’ve only had five days off work in the last nine months so it’ll be nice to have a break if nothing else. Plus; Florida! It’s about 90% humidity at the moment and temperatures in the high 20s (Celcius) so I’ve told Jay to take extra asthma inhalers as I can see him having trouble breathing :-/ I hope it doesn’t affect his enjoyment.

Jay’s mam is going to spend a bit of time in the house, watering the tomato plants, opening and closing curtains and things as we don’t like the idea of leaving it empty for so long. I still only have one more red tomato, that makes three, and loads of green ones which I’m going to miss while we’re away. Annoying.

Still thinking about going self employed and setting up my dog walking business. Honestly the only thing that’s stopping me is that I have a mortgage and bills to pay. Jay can’t afford it on my own so I’ll need to make sure I have enough money for about six months while I get up and running. Also, the unemployment problem in this country is huge so I keep telling myself I should be grateful I have a job. But life’s too short to be doing a dull and unfulfilling job.
Watching an episode of Dragon’s Den the other day got me thinking. (A TV programme where people setting up new businesses pitch to famous, successful business people for an investment) One pair of people borrowed £100,000 to get their business running by remortgaging the house, taking out loans etc. I only need about £5,000 to get me going; if they can do it, then so can I! I have that much credit on my credit card for goodness sake!

So after we get back from Florida, I’m going to finish my Animal Care course and get Christmas out of the way, then in January I’m going to seriously get going. Scary and exciting!”>

January I’m going to seriously get going. Scary and exciting!”>

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September 22, 2013

Have a wonderful holiday! Xx

September 22, 2013

Fab photos of the rings in the book, is a particularly significant book or just one that was handy? Enjoy Florida 🙂

September 23, 2013

The photos of the rings are really beautiful. Love it.

September 23, 2013

I know, I keep thinking how ridiculously easy it would be to get some cash together if only I PULLED MY FINGER OUT!

September 24, 2013

That book is Wool by Hugh Howey! I love the pics of the rings in a book, what a nice idea xx

September 25, 2013

Ryn: I recognised the character names :). Have you read it?