Mission 101 update

It’s a quiet day at work for a change and I’m looking for something to do. I should have brought my college work with me; I got another distinction for my last essay and this one is without having to resubmit. Woot woot!

I’ve just realised I’ve been completely neglecting my Mission 101. I only have seven months left and I haven’t even finished writing the list, I only have 94 things on there! But I’ve had a look at it and I’ve progressed with several of the items without even really trying, so here is an update.

6) Don’t spend any money for 200 separate days. (200/200)
I know I have more than smashed this one. I hardly spend any money these days as it’s all going on the house, saving up for our holiday in Florida, saving up to go self employed and paying for my sodding car. Almost £1,000 for my insurance this year, even after all the shopping around, tricks and haggling in the world. Sad face.

I look at my bank statement and all that’s on there is petrol, petrol, Orange (phone), petrol, Dog’s Trust, petrol, petrol, Asda, petrol. You get the idea.

11) Visit the cinema 75 times
I’ve been loads since I last updated the list in January. I can only find three tickets since then but I know we’ve been to see others. I’ll have to try and remember them.

1) The Hangover Pt II 29/5/11
2) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, 4/6/11
3) Transformers: Dark of the Moon, 5/7/11
4) Horrible Bosses, 23/8/11
5) Apollo 18, 10/9/11
6) Troll Hunter, Sept 11
7) Paranormal Activity 3
8) Melancholia, 12/10/11
9) In Time, 16/11/11
10) Haywire, 19/1/12
11) Dark Shadows, 16/05/2012
12) Avengers Assemble, 30/05/2012
13) Prometheus, 07/06/2012
14) A Fantastice Fear of Everything, 13/6/2012
15) The Dark Knight Rises, 25/07/2012
16) Lawless, 05/09/2012
17) Looper, 17/10/2012
18) Paranormal Activity 4, 31/10/2012
19) The Hobbit, 15/12/2012
20) The Impossible, 23/01/2013
21) Lincoln
22) Robot and Frank
23) Iron Man 3, 08/05/2013
24) Star Trek: Into Darknee
25) The Hangover Part III, 26/06/2013
26) Man of Steel, 03/07/2013
27) Pacific Rim, 17/07/2013

Doesn’t look like I’m going to get anywhere near the 75, or even the 57 I managed in my last Mission 101!

24) Keep my weight at or under 10 stone (140lb) for at least half the duration(20/500)
Yeah this isn’t going to happen. I managed the first 18 days in a row at the beginning of the mission, but since then it’s been around 10st 6lb (146lb). I’ve managed to get it back down again but I’m hovering around the 10st mark at the moment and can’t get it any lower. I was 9st 12lb for two days but then it went back up again. I’ll just be happy with a flat belly!

28) Make a proper go of mine and Jay’s acoustic duet.
We played a small festival last year and we’re playing another one next weekend. Does that count?

37) Learn a new way to style my hair and wear it out at least once.
I wore victory rolls! It took me about an hour just to put in two of the bloody things and I haven’t managed to do it again since, but this counts.

41) Read 50 books (20/50)
Sheesh, I’ve read loads more since I last updated this list. I’ll have to have a look at my pile and my Kindle at home.

64) Adopt an animal in need of love
I’ve had a look at the RSPCA site and there’s a branch about 25 miles away from me that has loads of creatures wanting homes, including zebra finches and budgies so I’m looking into this at the moment.

65) Grow something edible and eat it
Tomato plants have tomatoes on them! They’re still green at the moment, I can’t wait for them to turn red and edible!

84) Have a photo wall in my house
I’ve ordered the first seven prints to go on the stairs. Finally got around to printing some images from my trip to Romania last September!

90) Watch every episode of Lost. 121/121
So I finally finished it, several years after everyone else. And I still have no idea what the hell was going on. Did they ever explain the polar bear?

92) Earn £600 worth of Amazon vouchers on survey site. £260/£600
I’ll have to add all these up but I’m pretty sure it must be at least £400. I currently have £75 in my gift card balance but I keep spending it. I’m saving up for Christmas presents and a new laptop.

And that’s it for now, only 23 challenges completed to date!

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July 24, 2013

Well done on your challenges! We just finished season 4 of Lost (second time around) and although some things are more explained, most of it makes no sense! X

July 25, 2013

I know, it’s one of those things I forget to change, I’m glad you had a good time in Liverpool for the hen party, next time you go you should check out the Swan and the Krazy House. Yeah I feel sorry for the neighbour sometimes and others he really annoys me. I love going to the cinema even the trailers are great 🙂 That sucks about your birds, you should look to getting a new pet.

July 27, 2013

Thanks for the note :). The description does sound very traditional. I think perhaps my flatmate is just trying to wind me up with his stories of being an usher! Sounds like I wasn’t the only person who was massively disappointed with the ending of Lost!

July 28, 2013

Those are all still good going though!

July 28, 2013

RYN: Good shout, where do you do your online surveys then? I’ll have a nosey.

July 30, 2013

RYN: That’s actually where I am landing, and where we are going for the hen night and apparently we will be goin in for the day on Thursday as well and possiably on the 7th for a bit of sightseeing 🙂 thinking on maybe booking a bus trip/tour as well up to Inverness and around to Loch Ness!!!! see how it goes 🙂

July 30, 2013

To be fair, we were there for a year and nothing went off, it’s just the last few weeks where he’s gone off the deep end. He was just in a normal hospital from what I can gather, he just kind of walked off.