Boring entry

So I’ve been doing the 5:2 diet for a week now and I’ve lost 2lb. After the first day, I was 4lb down and then put three of those back on the next day. Weird, I expected it to go up and down slightly because of the alternation, but how did I put 3lb back on in one day? No way did I eat 3lb of food! Anyway, I think this diet is really going to work for me as, if I’m missing chocolate one day, I know I can have it again tomorrow. I made two batches of soup yesterday; one of chicken, celery and sweetcorn and one of vegetable; broccoli, green beans, courgette and tomato. They’re both really tasty and only about 100 calories per portion. There’s enough for fast day lunches for the next four weeks. I was very proud, I don’t do cooking, ever, so to make two batches of successful soup was a big achievement for me!

We went to Kidderminster for a wedding reception last night. No offence to the couple, but it was rubbish. The DJ was playing all the wrong songs and no one was dancing. I put in a request for Macarena and Saturday Night as I knew that would get people up, and I was right; the dancefloor was heaving! The DJ had no idea what he was doing. He then played Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine. Me and Jay got up to mosh and everyone was staring at us.

On top of no one dancing, everyone also left really early. The place was deserted by 11pm, it was ridiculous. We stayed the night in the hotel so I could drink but I might as well have driven home as everyone else did, we were just about the only people drinking as well. I don’t understand what happened there.

I bought some anti-wrinkle stuff yesterday. Yeah, I’m 31 and I should have started doing this about five years ago, it’s quite depressing. I’m starting to get tiny wrinkles around my eyes that my make up settles into so I bought some Lacura products from Aldi; eye cream, toner and face cream. They’re less than 1/4 of the price of the other stuff in Boots but apparently just as good.

I also treated myself to some new earrings including an ear cuff which I’ve never had before. I was sure about it but I wore it anyway as I thought maybe I wasn’t used to it, and I got lots of compliments so it must have been nice :o)

It’s mam and dad’s 41st wedding anniversary today, which is a land anniversary, weirdly. 41 years! I’ve bought them a present but I can’t say what it is yet as I ordered it too late and it hasn’t arrived yet. Doh to unorganised me :o(

We have a family of four fledgling sparrows and their parents in our garden. The babies don’t yet know they’re supposed to be scared of people and were sitting next to us yesterday asking for food. It’s so cute watching them being fed and practicing flying and landing on things :o) Earlier, one of them was hovering in front of the window and headbutting the glass trying to get in. Glass must be so confusing!

Well that was a boring entry, sorry about that.

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May 27, 2013

Who in the right mind does not drink at a wedding? It’s meant to be party-party-party ahhha! All the classics, Grease, a-ga-do, macarana, cha-cha-slide etc lol!! 🙂 Good luck with your diet xxx

May 27, 2013

I went to a wedding a little while ago that was like that, I think the problem with that one was that the bar was in a different room to the music but had tables and stuff so people just stayed in the bar!

May 27, 2013

Salt retains a lot f water, your initial weightliss would probably be water as most diet food contains less salt

May 27, 2013

That’s a shame about the wedding, we went to one yesterday and it was ace, the dance floor was full most of the night, but they didn’t have a DJ, just a selection of songs they’d chosen for a wedding playlist on their ipod. I have found before some DJs don’t know which songs to put on to get people dancing! x

May 28, 2013

Doing what I do I see lots of weddings and yeah, that’s weird! I’m allergic to loads of face creams, I think the only one I can use is l’Oriel Revitalift. Even Simple makes my face explode. Great when you find a good one innit? 🙂

May 31, 2013

Ryn: we usually do a fair share, with dave probably doing more than me on a day to day basis as he works from home. He does breakfast and I usually do tea. However I’d asked him to pick up the cooking whilst I’m working on meeting my deadline, so that’s where I’m getting frustrated! Anyway I’m over it now haha.

June 5, 2013

ryn: I did say he’s okay :p

June 8, 2013

RYN: Yeah, I’ll be pitching three tents already, lol! I’ll be really smelly and obnoxious if you like? Like poo all around my tent? ;o)

June 8, 2013

And I didn’t even know Europe are playing Download! Did you find out what happened to Skin?