Car! Dog!

So I bought a car. I’ve gone a Peugeot 206 estate, like this:

I know it’s not the prettiest car in the world but it has what I want. Running costs are very similar to my Ka, which is surprising considering the engine and body are quite a bit bigger. It has a lot more oomph than my car and it’s HEAUGE. Well, it’s still classed as a small car, but my current car only has a boot the size of a handbag; this one can fit a small house inside it. Good for when we go camping, visiting my parents at Christmas and putting lots of dogs in!

I pick it up on Saturday. I’m going to be sad to see my little Ka go, it was my first car and I’ve had it for almost five years. But it’s falling apart, euthanasia is the kindest thing for it.

I have a new customer for my dog walking. A very excitable Rottweiler called Roxie. She’s insane and tugs heavily on her lead, it’s certainly a workout giving her a walk. Her owner has back problems so can’t manage her so I’m walking her after work. The owner wants to come with us, though, as she still wants the exercise without having the dog tugging. I am so rubbish at talking to strangers, so half an hour of small talk every single day is filling me with dread. I haven’t slept the last two nights worrying about it! I’m sure I’ll get over it soon enough…hopefully.

I’ve been thinking further about how to make my business work. I thought I could get a part time job, about 20 hours a week, which would pay enough to pay my half of the household bills as this is what Jay has been worried about. The rest of the time I could devote to my business while I build it up. I’ve found a job that’s 8:30am-12:30pm five days a week which is ideal times. The most popular times for dog walking is lunchtimes as owners like their dogs to be visited halfway through the day if they’re on their own all day. So if I finished work at 12:30pm, I could be back in time for the lunchtime walks. Plans coming together!

On Saturday we went to Nottingham for my mate David’s birthday barbecue. He has one every year for his birthday and is always the first one of the year. It rained. A lot. We had tow gazebos up and everyone made an effort to sit outside for a bit, shivering in our winter coats, eating burgers under the canopy. We soon gave up and came inside where it’s warm before heading to the pub. Nice to see everyone and it’ll be the last time I’ll see Bee pregnant as she’s due in a couple of weeks :o)

This weekend, apart from picking up my car, is free. Which I need, I’m so tired!

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May 14, 2013

I like that car. Looks roomy and probably gets awesome gas mileage.

May 14, 2013

Ooooh I say go for that job! I’m so keen to see you thrive in your new business. 😀

May 15, 2013

The car looks big. Is it the same size as dad’s? CAMPING! (‘Cited.)

May 15, 2013

RYN: Aye, I see that now, lol! It LOOKS massive in the first pic!

May 15, 2013

Yay for a new car and new client 🙂 We have nothing planned this weekend either, I can’t wait! X

May 15, 2013

Part time work sounds brilliant for what you want to do, fingers crossed for you.

May 15, 2013

Sounds like a plan is very much coming together 🙂

May 15, 2013

nice girl good job all around!