Stuff and things

* As well as winning tickets to the British Guitar show this week, I also won the lottery! When you buy tickets online, they send you an email if you win, just saying “News about your ticket!” You then have to log in to find out how you’ve won. I got all excited, forgot my login details, took about five attempts to get in, all the while imagining myself a millionaire and I found I’d won…..£3….Yes, I spent £2 on tickets so I came out with a profit of £1, time to retire!
Well I’ve won two small things in a week, maybe if I keep trying, my turn at the big time will come!

* Me and Jay have decided to go and see Muse in Manchester! They’re playing at Coventry which is closer for us, but it’s on a week night which is the only problem because it starts stupidly early, 4:30pm, so we’d have to take the afternoon off work, not drink at the gig (well, for me anyway) drive home and then go to work next day. The Manchester gig is on a weekend so, although it’ll be more expensive, it’ll be a better experience.
I’ve never been to a Muse gig (bar taking photos, but that was only the first three songs and I was working so it doesn’t count) so I’m really looking forward to it. It’s actually one of my Mission 101 objectives, see one of the following live: Muse, Blur, Radiohead, Mark Lanegan, Swell Season. I’ve already seen Blur and Mark Lanegan, so this will be my third off the list, wooo! These are a couple of my photos, from 2006, I didn’t realise it was so long ago!

Of course, we won’t be anywhere near that close this time, the gig is at a football stadium for goodness sake, the band will look like tiny dots way off in the distance.

* If you watched the Brit awards last night, I hope you noticed the pretty lighting as it was done by my company. Some of my workmates even got to go to the after show party! I wasn’t invited :o(

* I’m going to a hen party in Nottingham on April 13th. Jay’s going to the stag party, which is also in Nottingham on the same night so the plan is for everyone to meet up in Rocky City at the end :o)

Also planned are visiting Jay’s dad next weekend, visiting my family over Easter, Jess’ 30th birthday party in Loughborough on 16th March and a wedding on 5th May as well as Muse on 1st June and Download on 14th-16th June *phew* I’m tired just thinking about it, I’m going to have to think about them one at a time, lol :o)

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February 21, 2013

I didn’t know it was so long ago either! I don’t like Muse anyway. Exceptt for that piano track you showed me.

February 22, 2013

I haaaaate rock city! Been in once and that was enough for me hahaha!!xxx

February 22, 2013

I was considering getting tickets for that gig! But I haven’t. I love muse. I like the idea of the stags and hens meeting up.

February 22, 2013

Phew, you’re busy… don’t forget about my balloon ride this weekend!

February 27, 2013

Good stuff that you’re getting to see muse in their entirety 🙂 x x