His name is Robert Paulson

My workmate was 20 minutes late for work the other day. Why? Because she had snow on her car. Come on! We all knew it was snowing the night before, so do you know what I did? I got up a few minutes earlier to allow time for clearing the snow off my car. I really don’t think that’s a valid excuse for being late, how can it take 20 minutes to clear the snow off your car anyway?

Anyway, I made soap last week! The cold process type where you make it yourself from scratch, not the melt and pour type. That’s just melting soap, adding colour and scent and pouring it into a mould, I don’t think it counts as making soap. It’s like if you melt chocolate and pour it into a mould and saying you made chocolate. No you didn’t.

Here are my ingredients all laid out and ready to go. It includes caustic soda which is corrosive and very dangerous, so I had to wear gloves and open the windows.

And here is the finished product

The good thing is, it looks just like the sample they sent me, so that’s a good sign. The little dots are lavender, it also has lemongrass oil in it so it smells lovely. It has to cure now for about 3-4 weeks before it’s safe to use, I can’t wait to try it and give some to my family :o) I enjoyed making it so I’ve ordered a book with other recipes in it that I want to try, maybe I can sell it if they’re good enough :o) I’ve referenced Fight Club in my title to save anyone the bother :op

I got a new phone! I was sick of mine getting slower and slower, and my contract had come to an end so I rang my provider and got a really good deal on an iPhone 4. I felt sad wiping my iPhone 3, I’ve had that phone for about 2.5 years and now it’s dead :o( But my new phone is so quick, I can’t get over it. Anyone want to buy an iPhone 3? I have the box somewhere, I can’t find it right now but when I do find it, I’ll be selling it.

Yesterday I went on a Canine First Responder course, which is dog first aid. I’m now qualified to administer CPR, treat for wounds and broken limbs and give “bear hugs”, which they used to call the Heimlich manoeuvre. I don’t know why they changed the name. But yay, I have a sustifikit and everything. It’ll come in useful to help my dog walking business and should hopefully help to put owner’s minds at ease so I’ve mentioned it on my website.

One of the ladies on the course yesterday started a dog walking and petsitting business seven months ago and she said she’s been really busy ever since she started, so that’s great. Jay was worried there wouldn’t be enough work for me to pull in a decent wage, but hearing that a fairly new business is already booming is a great boost. I’ve had a look at her website and her prices are a lot higher than mine, so maybe I can push mine up a little bit too.

Me and Jay went out for our Valentine’s meal last night. We started off with cocktails in a place called The Jekyll and Hyde which sells unusual but tasty cocktails and serves them in jam jars, of all things.
We tried Love Hearts and Lemon Bon Bon. They actually had sweets on top but we’d eaten them by the time I took a photo.
<img src="http://eclipseimages.smugmug.com/photos/i-FQ9JGV5/0/M/i-FQ9JGV5-M.jpg&quot;

Cinder Toffee and something I can’t remember the name of.

and Turkish Delight

We then went to Annexe for dinner where I had king prawns to start, which I had to peel myself and made a terrible mess off, followed by venison en croute and a nice bottle of wine. Good night out, I like trying new places and I definitely want to go to Jekyll and Hyde again.

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February 17, 2013

Mmm tasty sounding cocktails.

February 17, 2013

Those cocktails look great! I’ve been making cosmetic stuff from scratch lately, face creams and body lotions.. I love it, but I wish I had more time for it. I made lots for Christmas to give to people but have only made one thing for myself!

February 17, 2013

The cocktails look great! At a wedding we went to in December had drinks in jam jars, I love that look! x

February 17, 2013

Mmm cocktails look nice, especially the turkish delight one. We have a place like that the next town over , called Delilahs … and the name works well because you do wake the next morning asking ” why, why, why …. did I drink so many?!” lol xx

February 17, 2013

Yay soap-making! I’ve got a friend who lives in the US now who made a bar of soap out of boredom once, and now owns a huge beauty product company. Insane. I want a cinder toffee cocktail >.< Urgh I can’t stand peeling my own prawns. Squicks me out so hard.

February 17, 2013

The soap looks cool. I didn’t know it took that long to cure though ! X x

February 19, 2013

The soap looks good enough to eat! A lady around here has been dog walking for 9 years and I saw her and her daughter with 9! dogs . Looks good for your business. See you Saturday night.