The good, the bad and the ugly

The Good
I just went on Facebook to find out that my old workmate from the helpdesk is now engaged AND pregnant! And my other helpdesk workmate is also engaged! Awww, the three of us were really close and always had loads of fun, I’m so pleased for them both. But it made me miss them, I haven’t seen them since I left.

The Bad
We found out today that my boss’ mum died this morning. She had throat cancer and my boss has been going back and forth to Germany for a few months (she’s German and her family are still there). She must have known it was pretty bad as she booked some last minute flights over on Monday and went over the same day. Me and Amy (the other lady in our office) don’t really know the full story as Anja got upset and started crying every time we mentioned it, so we’ve tried not to say anything so we didn’t realise just how bad it was. She must be devastated, I can’t imagine how she must be feeling.

I don’t want to impose, but I want her to know I’m thinking of her, do you think a quick email or text might be appropriate?

Also today I found out that the cat I’ve been looking after contracted FIV, the feline equivalent of AIDS, and was put to sleep today. The poor thing :o( It’s probably best for it in the long run as it belongs to the house of a lady who’s died and her daughter was coming from London every weekend to look after it. It couldn’t be rehomed as it was an outside cat and didn’t belong to anyone so its future was looking very uncertain anyway. My first customer and look how it ends! I was enjoying her company too. Now I owe this lady £25 as she paid for 10 visits upfront and I only did five!

The Ugly
*sigh* Jay’s just had a strop because I asked him not to eat my ENTIRE family sized bag of crisps. He’s been on his Dukan diet, which means no carbs, so I thought I might be safe to have a bag of crisps in the house without them going missing, but it seems I was wrong. Jay’s reasoning with food is; if I don’t eat all of it immediately, then I obviously don’t want it. If I want to keep something for later, I have to bloody well hide it but even then he might find it, eat it and then have a strop when I get annoyed. He has absolutely no control over his eating. He admits he can eat a giant bag of crisps or a whole packet of biscuits and he’ll know he’ll feel guilty and horrible afterwards, but he can’t stop it. (Guilty about eating fattening food, absolutely no guilt at all about eating something that I’ve specifically said I’ve bought for myself and I was saving.)

I don’t understand this reasoning at all. If you know fine well you’re going to feel bad afterwards, then why do it? Why can’t you stop yourself from eating an entire packet of biscuits or family sized bag of crisps? All you do is stop eating and put it down! I can’t eat more than two biscuits at a time, I really don’t get it.

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February 6, 2013

I’d say it’d be appropriate – I wouldn’t expect a response straight away if at all but the gesture is remembered. Poor kitty 🙁 … maybe it’s a boy thing. I buy things Mark doesn’t like so I know I’ll be able to eat them lol

February 7, 2013

Poor cat 🙁 and so sad about your boss’ mum, I think it’s appropriate to text/email xxx

February 8, 2013

If you knew her address a sympathy card might be nice. Or an e-sympathy card if you don’t. It’s inoffensive enough I think, I’d do it. Jay… That sounds like issues to me. He clearly isn’t that bothered about his diet if he can’t stick to it. What’s he eating outside? The strop is projected guilt. What happens if you tell him beforehand that you have something that he can’t have? Xx

February 9, 2013

RYN: good to know about the car, I have an event to cover tonight so it’s gotta go to town :S See, I like food, but not more than is necessary. I don’t like feeling full, so yes I agree with you, I can’t understand his mindset. It’s not healthy I’m sure. Do you get food counsellors in the UK? Did I just make that job up?

That is bizarre reasoning on the crisps. I would say I would use that myself, but I don’t understand it. I think a quick email to your boss would be appreciated.

February 11, 2013

ryn: Viking was a profession, not a nationality/ethnicity. So absolutely some were Finnish!

February 12, 2013

RYN: 100 GBP = about $157 CND atm … and rooms rate anywhere from low 80s to low 100s….. (ive been trying to look everywhere!!!)

February 13, 2013

RYN: yea lil hard for you guys to bring camping gear here though lol and it would also depend on how long you stayed, and if you were to come im sure you could probably get a deal if you booked room with your flight lol

February 13, 2013

We seem to have his and hers food here. Although I trend to polish his stuff of because really it’s been sat there too long now. Couldn’t easy a while pack of biscuits though, maybe half 🙂

February 13, 2013

Eat and whole. Stupid auto correct

February 14, 2013

RYN: It’s not a jumper. Hah!

February 14, 2013

ryn: Aye, a trio. Dahmer, Gacy and Presley. It’s going to be awesome.