Open up, it’s the pigs

I know I’m years behind everyone else, but I’m watching the rest of Lost. I’ve now watched 100 episodes out of 121 and I can’t wait for it to finish. Not because I’m excited to see how it ends, but because I’m sick to death of it, I have no idea what’s going on and I’m so bored of it. But I’ve watched 100 episodes, I can’t just leave it there. It doesn’t make any sense! Stupid TV programme. (If you’ve seen it, please don’t spoil the ending for me…!)

Me and Jay went to see Lincoln at the cinema on Wednesday. I’d heard it was 2.5 hours of men sitting in rooms, talking. Which is basically true. It was slow to start, but I found myself fascinated at how slavery was finally abolished, and amazed at how white people used to genuinely believe that black people were less important and less worthy of them. Quotes like “What next? Negroes with jobs? Negroes voting???”
Daniel Day Lewis gave a fantastic performance and definitely stole the show.
The only annoying thing was the man and woman sitting next to me. They’d brought a carrier bag full of snacks, all of which were in REALLY CRINKLY packaging but they didn’t care because they would laugh and discuss each one, in a normal voice, not even trying to be quiet or anything. At one point the woman suddenly decided that her friend really needed to smell her new perfume and give his opinion. Then she kept proclaiming loudly how bored she was, how long the film was, what time was it? Is it time to go yet? I felt like shaking her and telling her to go home if she was so bored! Grr.

I rang 999 for the first time in my life on Tuesday. I heard shouting and banging outside, so I went out to see what was going on as my car is parked on the street, and was confronted with a mini-riot going on at the end of the road. About 15 people were shouting, fighting and smashing up a car. I rang 999 and about 10 minutes later the police turned up, just in time to miss the whole thing. Great!

One of the police came round yesterday to take a statement from me. Literally all I saw was a group of people, in the dark, about 50 metres away, fighting and smashing up a car. I couldn’t answer any of her questions; male or female? How old? Black, white, Asian? How many times did they hit the car? What were they using to hit the car? What were they shouting about? Who drove off in the car? How many people were in the car? Where did they go?

Seriously, I know they have to ask these things, but I was nowhere near any of it and it was dark so I have literally no idea what was going on! She then said that I might have to go to court to give evidence and if they find out I’ve lied to them I might be prosecuted. Gee, thanks! She even tore a page out of my diary as evidence because I wrote down the registration number of the car they drove off in.

The statement took about 90 minutes and I was really nervous, feeling like I was the criminal being cross examined and scared of making a mistake :o(

Last month I had one gig to apply for a photo pass for, which was turned down. This month I have eight, hopefully I’ll get one or two this month! I need to save as much money as possible to help set up my business properly and so that, hopefully, I can eventually quit my boring office job and have enough money to live on while I build up my client base! I had a phone call earlier asking if I can board dogs. I can’t, I’m not licensed for it. But I’m getting quite a few inquiries already and I haven’t even advertised yet. It just goes to show that the demand is there!

Dog Walker/ Pet Sitter available in the West Midlands.

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February 3, 2013

Do you have the space to board dogs? WOuld it be worth considering? Speak to my friend ~mujer~ on here if you’re interested. She used to run kennels.

February 3, 2013

I spent so long trying to decide if it was A kennels or just kennels that the word kennels looks all wrong now. Is it even a word? :op (I know it is really…)

February 3, 2013

RYN: Colour coded? What’s colour coded?

February 3, 2013

RYN: Whoa. Bit of a step up from Cockrock and Solfest!

February 3, 2013

Oh and I might see you in three weeks! :o) I can give you the rest of your Christmas present, haha!

February 3, 2013

I have seen the whole of LOST multiple times but I won’t spoil it for you! I was/am something of a fan! I was slightly disappointed by the very end but in a way it felt perfect as well. There’s a lot of mixed opinion! But I am still glad I watched it all, so much so that I watched it over and over again from the start AND watched the follow-up JJ Abrams series Alcatraz which I LOVED and which gotcancelled after 1 series (sad face) I have been recommended Lincoln by a bunch of people but it sounds quite boring based on your descrip! I have had similar experiences with police statements. Sometimes you end up feeling like you’re being interrogated when you are merely a victim and/or witness! Good for you though, taking action against that kind of behaviour.

February 4, 2013

Ugh I hear you on Lost, we’re watching it again and I am bored. First 3 seasons easily the best then I think the writers lost the plot! I still don’t understand the ending!

February 4, 2013

Ryn: Talking about how hot he is and how they’d like to **** him. I mean, seriously?! How is that EVER appropriate? Much less on a post like that.

February 4, 2013

RYN: he won’t tell me any different than trading standards!

February 5, 2013

Oh gosh. I wouldn’t know what to do if I had to call 999 xxx

February 6, 2013

ryn – Haha we were, I wondered if anyone would notice lol