
So I’m going to jump on the bandwagon and write about the snow, because yesterday was terrifying. Some people are complaining that they have no snow, well please take mine! Some people are laughing at the Brits because we’re totally unprepared. That’s not our fault, everyone knew the snow was coming and yet I didn’t see one single gritter or plough out there, meaning we all had to fend for ourselves. Yeah, our cars aren’t equipped for snow, but it doesn’t snow for about 360 days a year, so I’m not going to get a four wheel drive just for those few days when it does.

Now that I’ve got all that out of the way, let me tell you about my day. I set off for work and everything was fine for about the first 15 miles. But then I came off the motorway. Normally I drive through the countryside because it’s prettier than the city and I miss the countryside. Yesterday, however, I thought I’d take the main road into the city as it’s bound to have had the snow cleared from it. How wrong I was, it was all still there, bold as brass, making all the cars skate around. I went round a roundabout sideways. I turned into the road where I work, the car in front of me snowly drifted over onto the wrong side of the road and I gently skated in sideways in a skid-pan style.

Got to work, sat down at my desk and the phone were ringing off the hook. I was the only one in my office who’d made it in, even though I live more than twice as far away as everyone else. So, as well as all the usual phone calls from customers, I had all the phone calls from everyone who said they won’t be coming in today. And I had to answer them all myself, instead of the three of us there usually are. I’m sure I must have missed more calls than I answered.

The snow continued to fall. At 11:30, after another four inches or so had fallen, I decided enough was enough. If I stayed until 5:30, there would have been 16 inches of snow if it carried on in the same way. And, with no ploughs or anything, I wasn’t sure my little Ford Ka would manage it. I made the decision to ring our head of HR (as my boss hadn’t made it in, I couldn’t ask her) to ask if I could go home or I would be stuck. She ummed and ahhed, clearly thought I just wanted a day off work as it wasn’t even snowing where she was and said she’d get back to me in 10 minutes. I finally got the go ahead to leave about an hour later, after another inch of snow had fallen.

Driving home was the most terrifying experience ever. Whichever way you go, there’s a big hill to get up and this is what was scaring me the most. I thought, the only way of doing it is to get some speed up and give it a run up, so to speak. Except, I got to the bottom of the hill and there was a car approaching it at about 3mph. Come on, you’ll never make it up at that speed! As long as you’re going in a straight line, you’ll be fine. I couldn’t go round it as any change in direction resulted in wildly skidding about in every direction except the one you want to go in. So I had no choice but to slow down and follow this idiot.

We made it about halfway up the hill, whereupon we were greeted by three cars and a van, giving us a very beautiful ice dance, Torvill and Dean style. So we had to stop and watch them as we didn’t want to get involved. After they had sorted themselves out, abanonded the hill and went back down, came the epic task of getting going again. Halfway up a steep hill made of ice.

I let the car in front go first and give it a bit of a head start. For some reason, they decided to drive on the wrong side of the road, approaching the brow of a hill. Good idea!

I slipped my car into first and started off the revs slowly. I felt slight movement, so I gave it a few more revs and we were off! Very slowly, my wheels were just skidding on the ice, but we were definitely moving forwards. I kept it in first gear (I have no idea if this was the right thing to do, but it seemed to be working) and the revs must have been right at the top, engine screaming at me, but I was still only going about 2mph. But 2mph fowards, which was all I wanted. I was shouting encouragement at my car (Yeah, so what?) and we made it! My tiny 1.3 litre Ford Ka scaled the icy behemoth that everyone else abandoned! Including the slow coach idiot behind me; I looked in my mirrors and there was no sign of them. I can’t believe, out of the four cars and a van that I saw, my car was the only one that got up the hill. I think if it had been a rear wheel drive I wouldn’t have made it. (Why are some cars rear wheel drive? How do the manufacturers decide?)

I knew that, once I got over that hill, I would be ok to get home, however slowly. The journey that normally take 35 minutes took about 1hr 15min yesterday and was the most terrifying driving experience of my whole life.

The snow continues to fall and is currently sitting at about six-eight inches on my street. I’m already panicking about getting to and from work on Monday. This is a photo of my Hero Car on our street, to show you what I have to get through. I don’t know why someone drew an X on my window, maybe it’s got The Plague or something.

I was supposed to be going on my Canine First Responder course today, but it’s been postponed for a month because of the weather. So I have an unexpected free day today. At least this now means I don’t have to leave the house all weekend! I’m planning on spending it knitting, watching Dexter and True Blood and getting on with my essay.

The scales are saying I’ve lost 3lb since last week (which I’m very excited about!) and I’ve checked it in on My Fitness Pal, but my ticker hasn’t updated. Anyone know why?

Dog Walker/ Pet Sitter available in the West Midlands.

Created by MyFitnessPal – Free Weight Loss Tools

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January 19, 2013

Random: When I lived in the southern US, we were always unprepared for snow because it only happened every few years. If there was even an inch of snow, all the schools and businesses would close. We loved it when we were kids. Now I live in the midwest and I really miss not having snow. It really isn’t that much fun when it leaves several inches and the plows aren’t running yet.

January 19, 2013

Move to Hull. We have a lot of gritters. Probably a bit of a commute though…

January 19, 2013

Just phone in on Monday, you know everyone else will. I’ve reached the conclusion there’s no point in trying to do the right thing because you just get screwed over.

January 19, 2013

I agree with Outatime. Sod doing the right thing, I want my baby sister in one piece! That REALLY sounds scary…

January 19, 2013

RYN: well I don’t have to drive in it, do I? ;o)

January 19, 2013

Tom left the car at home on Friday and got the train, he would have gotten to work fine but our cul de sac is completely snowed in. Luckily we can walk to the station easily so it’s worked out better we moved before the snow hit! Stay safe on monday x

January 19, 2013

So many people are dicks in this weather. I had one guy speed past me before dropping in front of me and breaking sharply on a road made of ice. It was terrifying! Sliding all over the place I was. I think I’m gonna hibernate the rest of the winter 🙁

January 20, 2013

RYN : it’s on the coverof mastodon’s The Hunter. Watch the video, it’s actually very cool.

January 22, 2013

RYN: Thanks, I’ll add it to my list to investigate, it looks like they have an airport nearby that flies to Stansted so it should be do-able.

January 25, 2013

ryn: Nah it wouldn’t, it’s easy :p

January 26, 2013

Yeah the snows been really bad. Hopefully it will now that it’s raining. But it also helps when people don’t drive stupidly, which is unfortunately often the case. At least you got the weekend to yourself! X x