
So I went to York! I’ve never been before and it was as pretty as I thought it might be. We weren’t there long and there are loads of things I want to see; York Dungeon, Yorkshire Museum, have a proper look around York Minster, take a riverboat trip. I’ve tried to persuade Jay to go before but he doesn’t want to for some reason 🙁 I loved all the ancient buildings and narrow street, a proper old city.

I’m always amazed by massive old cathedrals as well; Notre Dame is the most impressive one I’ve seen so far. But I always think about how they built these things, about 1,000 years ago, when they didn’t have JCBs, mechanical cranes, scaffolding etc. It’s nothing short of amazing. Here are few photos of York Minster, which I took on my iPhone 3G, so not the best camera in the world.

Isn’t it an amazing building? This one is the city wall, which used to go all the way around the city to keep invaders out, including the Scots apparently! Most of the wall is still there, which is pretty cool, and you can find your way around pretty easily by following the wall. Most of it doesn’t have this fence, it’s only where it crosses a road. The rest of the time it’s just open, which is quite scary when it’s icy. You can also see the minster in the distance.

And this is York castle, which is a lot smaller than I was expecting. And a goose.

Sadly I forgot to take any photos of actual people, lol. There were six of us out of 12. The three people who actually live in Yorkshire didn’t even turn up! Shocking. Especially as we had people coming from the Netherlands and Switzerland. We’re already planning our next reunion; Cambridge in the summer, so we can do a bit of punting.

Our sheep arrived! The star decoration that Jay ordered is a lot bigger than we thought it would be; about eight inches across and I thought it would be about three inches. Now he’s wishin we’d bought the bird decoration instead; which is the one I wanted in the first place! What do you reckon, does the star look too big? The reason for it being there is so you don’t forget the sheep is up there and light a fire while the chimney is blocked!

I feel really bad for these cats I’m feeding. As they’re half stray, they live outside and the weather’s been terrible lately. Freezing cold, blizzards and blowing a gale. They have kennels, and the ‘owner’ has given them clean blankets and covered the kennels in cardboard and tarpaulin to insulate them which is better than nothing. She’s just sent me a text to say she’s ordered heated pads for them as well; I think they’re being spoiled!

Tonight I did half an hour on the treadmill, 40 sit ups, stretches and weights. This time I’m determined to keep it up! Now we have a treadmill, I can’t use the bad weather as an excuse for not going for a run (which I definitely would have given the blizzards we’re currently experiencing.) I’m determined to lose a stone (14lb) by the time we go to Florida in October. That should be doable, I hope. I’ve never tried to lose weight before so it’s going to be a challenge. Now I’ve made it public, I have to do it. So here’s my start and I’ll let you know each time I lose anything! hehe :o)

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January 14, 2013

Oh York is just beautiful! I climbed up the minster a few years ago, amazing views, definitely worth going back (& if you have time there is the steam train from pivkering to whitby which is just..an experience) Sorry for the burbling, caught you on via the UK circle & since it was about York, I just couldn’t resist!

January 14, 2013

I would love to visit York soon! I know a girl who is a stone mason and she works at York Minster – I guess doing restoration. What a cool job!

January 14, 2013

Don’t forget Yorvik Viking centre! Dan lives in York and it’s where John’s lot have their Tosca Weekender.Haha, Tosca! Is that what your outside cats are called?

January 14, 2013

I’d love to go to York one day. There’s so much amazing history around the UK/Europe in general. I was meant to go to Newcastle the year before last, was going to follow Hadrian’s wall. I like the star! I think that’s a reasonable weight loss goal. I’d wish you luck, but luck has nothing to do with it. 🙂

January 14, 2013

I love York! 🙂 x

January 15, 2013


January 15, 2013

You have so much history in your part of the world. My part is pretty new still.

January 15, 2013

York is certainly a very old city. Eboracum , when the Romans “visited” Britain for 400 years. The vikings also settled there and called it Jorvik. Well done with the exercise ; don’t overdo it at first.

January 15, 2013

York is lovely, if you want any recommendations on places to eat in Cambridge let me know.

January 15, 2013

I’ve been wanting to visit York for a long time now. I loved your photos – fantastic! =)

January 16, 2013

RYN: Thanks for your note! It is reassuring to know that there are people who don’t think I’m a complete Grinch! lol.

January 16, 2013

wow, have always wanted to go to York. Looks like a really interesting town to walk around. I have an uncle that lives not far from there but haven’t managed a visit in yet. and I don’t think those cats are spoiled considering my own sleeps next to me on my bed…. at least they have a kennel to go to. some cats don’t have much of anything.

January 16, 2013

RYN: Inconsolable. Yes. In reality, she’s been getting increasingly irate. She’s just like dad sometimes, it’s quite scary!

January 16, 2013

ryn: You wouldn’t have to use red peppers. You can throw in whatever you like. :p

January 17, 2013

Try myfitnesspal.com to help. It’s really good. x

January 18, 2013

RYN: Exactly! She was Scottish though, maybe their jackets/coats are different?

January 18, 2013

RYN: I need to stop looking for the Like button on OD. :o/