5,000 question survey; part 10

901. Would you rather have a candle scented like blueberries and creme or butterscotch pecan pie? Blueberries I guess, I’m not a fan of butterscotch.

902. Which ones are fruits and which are vegetables:
Banana- Fruit
Cucumber- I guess it’s a fruit as it has seeds inside it?
Tomato- Fruit
Apple- Fruit
Carrot- Vegetable
Eggplant- Aubergine? Vegetable
Cherry- Fruit
Pumpkin- Fruit

903. Does it annoy you when people talk loudly on their cell phones in public? Yes, but even more when they play their music on them.

904. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time? You can love many people; friends, family. But I think you can only be in love with one person.

905. Cover or original:

Smooth Criminal; is it better by Michael Jackson or Alien Ant Farm? I’m going to say Alien Ant Farm because I’ve never been a Michael Jackson fan.

Blue Monday better by Orgy or New Order? New Order.

I Want Candy; Is it better by Aaron Carter or Bow Wow Wow? Huh?

Love Song; Is it better by 311 or The Cure? Who are 311?

It’s My Life; Is it better by No Doubt or The Talking Heads? I’ve never heard this song by either band.

906. What is the most uncomfortable feeling? Nausea.

907. Do you like Maroon 5? Not really.

908. Would you ever go on a blind date TV show? No, I’m in a relationship!

909. How much of your wardrobe is dry clean only? Hardly any, if any at all.

910. Whose arms would you like to crawl into? Er, Jay’s?

911. What the hell is your problem? Excuse me?

912. Look around you. What is the most beautiful thing you can see? My purple reading lamp I guess.

913. What is the most beautiful thing you can’t see? Eh?

914. Take a deep breath. Yawn deeply. Do you appreciate the things most people take for granted, like breathing? I do when I think about it. Most of the time I take it for granted!

915. Do you appreciate breathing more when you have a cold and you’re all congested and can’t breathe right? Definitely.

916. Is congestion a positive thing because it helps you to appreciate breathing? No, I’d still rather not be congested.

917. How is your life like a work of art? It isn’t.

918. Do you feel that your life influences and is influenced by many other lives? Influenced by, definitely. Do I influence anyone? I doubt it, I don’t think I’ve done anything to influence people.

919. Has a smile ever made all the difference in the world to you? Smiles always make things better.

920. Have you ever looked at a tree and considered how the roots could be miles long, trailing and entwining with other roots underground, all of them holding the soil together? Most of the time when I see one.

921. Do you notice the little things in life? I try to.

922. Do you feel, as Jung did, that deep down, underneath our individual personalities we are all the same? Inasmuch as we all need the same basic things like air, food, water etc, but that’s it really.

923. Do you feel a great oneness with the universe? It’s far too big for that, I feel small and insignificant when I think about it.

924. When was the last time you decided to really enjoy yourself? I try to do it as often as possible!

925. When was the last time you set your self free and acted without caring at all what someone else thought? Again, I try to do it as often as possible!

926. Have you ever held someone and appreciated how delicate and fragile all life is and felt that they were even more precious and beautiful because one day they would die..and so will you? All the time.

927. In ten years someone else might own your house and the room you are sitting in now. Someone else might be standing right next to where you are sitting now. So that means you could be standing right next to someone but you can’t see him or her because they are ten years away.

Ever look at life like that? Eh? No, that’s all a bit weird. There’s no such thing as time travel.

928. When was the last time you:
Soaked in a bubble bath. I can’t remember, I don’t like baths.
Read a good book outside. Probably April 2011, before I left my last job.
Held someone’s hand. About an hour ago.
Felt truly joyful. Maybe on a roller coaster at Alton Towers?

929. What do you bring to this world that no one else can? Just me.

930. Do you feel that you are part of every living thing in this world and that all those things are part of you? No, but we were all once part of stars.

931. Are you more afraid of death or not completely living? Not completely living, without a doubt.

932. What was the last thing you wanted to do but didn’t or couldn’t do? I have no idea.

933. Why don’t you try and do that thing now? I don’t know what it is…

934. What is the most wonderful thing happening right now in the world? Babies being born?

935. Name 7 things going on around you that you normally wouldn’t notice:
There isn’t really anything going on, just the TV, Jay’s music upstairs and the smell of braising steak cooking.

936. Name three things you hate
1. Onions
2. Vomit
3. Selfish and intolerant people

937. Name one GOOD thing about each of those 3 things you hate.
Onions, erm…I can’t think of anything.
Vomit, um, I suppose you feel better afterwards.
Selfish and intolerant people? You tell me!

938. What do you tend to see in black and white, rather than in shades of gray? That selfish and intolerant people are evil, lol.

939. Admit three things you do that you are ashamed of but shouldn’t be.
I can’t think of anything that I’m ashamed of, I wouldn’t do it otherwise!

940. What qualities make a person “good” in your eyes? Thinks about others and helps others.

941. Do you have any of these qualities? I think so.

942. Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve what you want to? As long as it doesn’t harm or impede anyone.

943. Name one bad quality about someone you love. I’m struggling, I don’t like to bitch about people! Jay piles all the washing up in the sink and makes a giant mess when he cooks.

944. Name one good quality about someone you hate. I can’t think of anything!

945. Are you pro life or pro choice and why? I am pro life, just because I think all life is precious and everyone should have a chance at living.

946. If you are pro life write a reason someone might be pro choice. If you are pro choice write a reason someone might be pro life. Someone might be pro choice if they aren’t ready for children, can’t afford it, don’t have time. But I think, if you don’t want children, then you should use proper contraception.

947. Can you see the beauty in?
A bumble bee: Of course, I see beauty in all of nature.
A man skating: Ice skating or skatboarding? I guess it shows what we can do with our bodies.
A woman combing her hair: I suppose so.
A box of tissues: Umm…I’m struggling.
Yourself naked: I suppose it could be worse.
Light: Of course, especially things like sun rays and rainbows.

948. What are you most afraid of? Not living life to the full.

949. Whose life would you REALLY NOT want to ever have? Someone born into a really underprivileged and difficult life.
Why? I think that might be self-explanatory.

950. Can you come up with a reason why you might want their life? You would really appreciate everything you had, but I wouldn’t think it was worth it.

951. Name one thing that is beautiful about your body. I like my eyes.

952. Name one thing that is ugly about your body. My pot belly.

953. Name one thing that is beautiful about your mind. I like to think that’s it’s an open one.

954. Name one thing that is ugly about your mind. I would like to think there wasn’t anything, but I’m sure I’m not perfect! Anyone think of something?

955. Who was the last person you were rude to? I can’t remember the last time I was rude.

956.Are your elbows soft? Er…well it’s a pointy bone, so I’d say no. Who has soft elbows??

957. Are you ticklish? Yes :o(

958. Are you awkward or graceful? A bit of both, not really either to any extent.

959. Do you wear glasses/contacts? No.

960. If you wear contacts what’s the longest you have ever left them in your eyes? N/A

961. What’s going on where you are right now? The credits to the film Red Dog are rolling.

962. What is your favorite thing to touch? Fluffy things.

963. What is your favorite kind of incense? I like lots, but I’m partial to Sandalwood; typical I know! I also have one called White Linen which is yummy.

964. What relaxes you? Massage. Though NOT my feet, that would have the opposite effect.

965. How much time have you wasted? Most of my life!

966. How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? What rock and roll lifestyle?

967. What does teen spirit smell like? It was a type of deoderant that one of Kurt Cobain’s girlfriends wore, but I have no idea what it smells like.

968. Do you mostly listen or hear? Hear.

969. Look or see? See.

970. Do you comprehend all the things you read? No, especially not on the internet. There’s a lot of nonsensical stuff going on there.

971. Is it necessary to be repetitive in order to be creative? Not at all, repetition helps you become better at something, but not being creative.

972. Do you control your attitude or does it control you? The former.

973. Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? A bit of both.

974. Do you do what needs to be done regardless of the consequences? Absolutely not.

975. Is money how you keep score? Keep score of what?

976. Who can you do everything or nothing with and still have the best time? Jay, my sister.

977. Just because you’re angry does that give you the right to be cruel? Not at all.

978. What is maturity and where does it come from? Experience, knowledge.

979. Who is the maturest person you know? Dunno.

980. Who is the most immature person you know? Again, dunno! We can all be mature and immature when we need to be.

981. If there was a fire and you could only rescue one thing from your room (all people and pets have escaped on their own, even goldfish) what would it be? Laptop; it has all my photos and everything on it.

982. If you could, what 3 albums would you force everyone to remove from his or her CD collections?
1. Anything by Rhianna.
2. Anything by Status Quo.
3. Anything by Simply Red.

983. Does Marilyn Manson scare you or bore you? Neither, I quite like his music. Why are they the only two choices?

984. What do you think of the Insane Clown Posse? I don’t really know much about them.

985. What’s the best movie about high school? I’m not really into high school movies, I’m a bit too old for that.

986. Do you like Michael Jackson better in the 80’s 90’s or today? No.

987. Is choosing a different store to shop in from most people really making a statement? Not really, it just means you want to buy something different. How is that making a statement? It’s a bit of a tame one if it is.

988. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? I think I’m taking a risk every time I change jobs or location.

989. Have you ever ridden in a car while the driver had been drinking? Not as far as I’m aware, but if I knew they’d been drinking, there’s no way I’d get into a car with them.

990. Who needs to get a life? I dunno.

991. Do write on yourself with milky pens? What the hell are milky pens?

992. What should be different about high school curriculum? It’s a long time since I was at school, but I’ve always thought they should teach you about finances; mortgages, bills, budgeting etc. We’re all just expected to get on with it and it’s all really complicated!

993. Right now are you exactly the way you want to be? No. I want to be doing a job I enjoy and I want to be a stone lighter.

994. Who can save you from yourself? Only yourself.

995. Are you a responsible person? I think so, yes.

996. “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.”
— Oscar Wilde

Do you agree? Not really. Would you call a serial killer ‘tedious’?

997. How many greatest hits albums do you own? I’m not sure if I own any.

998. Are you at risk for a.i.d.s.? I hope not!

999. Do you want to have it all? Everyone does, surely?

1000. Do you collect green pictures of dead presidents? I don’t even know what this means.

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January 13, 2013

I’d save my phone, it’s my pride and possession lol!xx

January 13, 2013

lol i some times worry about the ppl who create these questionairs and wonder where you find them and the time to do them!

January 13, 2013

RYN: Your the second one to say that about it…lol

January 14, 2013

Love that you ask questions of the survey like it’ll answer back. 🙂

January 14, 2013

I have never heard of milky pens and I think the last one refers to US currency notes and is asking about avarice? That’s my guess. Some of these questions are very silly, but mad props to you for answering them all. Oh, and albums, I would have to say anything by Paul McCartney should be outlawed too x

January 14, 2013

Aubergine is a fruit. 918: You may not think you directly influence anyone, but just by doing what you day to day influences many, many people. Would that person have stopped at the zebra crossing if you weren’t crossing it? By smiling at that man, did you not brighten his day a bit? Think of it that way. It helps you feel better if you’re feeling a bit pants! 985: BREAKFAST CLUB!

January 14, 2013

I LOVE Breakfast Club. I was the Ally Sheedy character.