TV: Sabrina Wedding Series Finale

Seven long years of casting spells around our hearts has finally boiled down to this: a wedding! Join me as I give the synopsis and review of the final misadventure of the teenage witch.

Synopsis: It’s the Bachelorette Party! And just for the occasion, Sabrina has booked a carribean cruise reserved just for her, Morgan and Roxie. As soon as they sail out, something goes awry: her powers don’t seem to work anymore. Even stranger, when she asks for something, she gets out of nowhere! Could this all be related to the mysterious cruise captain? Possibly, after Sabrina, Roxie and Morgan have a sob fest and want to know if their friendship was going to last. They then find themselves on an island where a tidal wave is about to hit! After an argument, the mysterious cruise captain appears out of thin air and reveals himself to be Bob Bermuda, owner of the Bermuda Triangle. Realizing what’s happening, Sabrina pulls the girls back together and make a shelter to protect themselves from the Tidal Wave. When all is clear, they find that they are safe and on a resort island.

Days later, the girls return home and it’s the night of Sabrina’s Wedding! The next day, she wakes up with cold feet, literally, as ice cubes have formed around her feet. Her cousin Amanda pops in and offers Sabrina some advice, but when she says that everything is calm, a guest visitor has arrived: Aunt Hilda and a llama! Wanting to find out about her mom, Sabrina takes Hilda, the llama and Amanda into the kitchen, where it is revealed that the llama is actually her mom! Jumping for joy, Sabrina asks why she isn’t a ball of wax. Hilda then takes out a candle which is supposed to be Aunt Zelda. Then the happy trio (technically quadtuplet) realizes that Amanda is gone. But no matter, Sabrina returns to her room to find Doubt sitting on the sette. He gives her Aaron’s (her fiancee) soul stone. After Doubt leaves, Sabrina pings herself up to the North Star to get HER soul stone. She returns with it, and puts it with Aaron’s soul stone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit. At the chapel, Sabrina finds herself with conflicting feelings about the wedding. After talking with her mom, Sabrina realizes what she feels in her heart, not what glowing pieces of stone tell you.

While this is happening, Harvey finds HIS soul stone and proceeds to the wedding chapel. Amanda pings herself in and goes up to the altar. Sabrina also goes up to the altar, but then talks with Aaron. They realize that this is a mistake, and she realizes the one person she’s meant to be with. She races out, and No Doubt’s “Running” starts to play. Outside, after taking off her veil, she finds Harvey. She runs over to him and kisses him. As soon as they get on the motorcycle, they throw their soul stones up into the air, where they connect on the ground and fit! Amanda, Salem, Hilda and “Zelda” remark that it’s “About time.” and Harvey and Sabrina’s kiss is at 12:36, which is the exact time that they met! They then run off together…

Review: ::cries:: this was such a perfect ending to a series. I’m so happy that Harvey and Sabrina are soulmates!

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I love that show!! lol good show!!