Early April Update

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One Day at a Time

I’m so obviously scared of attractive women. It’s hard for me to hide it . . . nervous, blushing, whatever. They must think I’m retarded. I’m not sure.

I’m trying to be more positive lately, but the above was just a random thought I had today. There’s a couple of new cute girls at work, but honestly they are way too young for me (probably 18 years old or so). But I had this thought when I passed by Lizzie today (another girl, not a new girl). She just got married, so no pressure. I have no designs and she would have no interest. No pressure. So why not be courteous, polite, speak to her? Practice my social skills with attractive women (for the future, when I meet an attractive SINGLE girl). I mean, I can be friendly and comfortable without seeming weird like I’m trying to flirt or pick her up when I know good and well she’s married. Well, I was forced to. Turned out I had to work the Clearance Aisle with her all afternoon. So, maybe she doesn’t think I’m retarded now that I finally had a conversation with her.

It’s funny. I can talk to unattractive or average women no problem, it’s the attractive ones that scare me. That’s pretty bad, I guess.


PS: Nothing much to report. I’ve sucked at running lately. I just know it will get easier when the summer comes and the weather is predictable (right now it’s crazy, cold nights, warm days, windy), it’s warm at night after work, etc. OK, whatever. I’m probably up to 155lb now. I’ll be lucky to run 20 minutes and 30 will be pushing it, whenever I run again. It’s just hard to keep up long term. I did real well for a year and a half and that’s a pretty long time. We’ll see. One day at a time.

PPS: I finish the last of my dental work tomorrow, for a good long while, hopefully.

3PS: I’ve been addicted to Youtube lately. It’s really keeping me up at night. I’m not getting the sleep I should. I never did a whole lot on Youtube before, but lately, I just started searching for videos on there and you know, one thing leads to another, and before long I’ve spent three hours watching videos. Jeez.  Everything from card tricks, to video game reviews, train videos (yes, freight trains, I love trains, OK, I’m weird but they’re cool), and lectures on Philosophy, Religion, and Astrophysics.

4PS:  Yes, I should be running more AND writing more in here, but I’m lazy.  I have no excuse other than that work, sleep, and watching Youtube videos are obviously more important to me right now.  Perhaps that will change soon.  I really can’t say.

5PS:  I updated the music player.  Removed some songs, added some songs.  Probably 2/3 of it didn’t change though so I’m sure you’ll recognize plenty of old songs.

6PS:  Perhaps my numbering of PSs is unconventional and so I shouldn’t have used them anyway (just written a larger "body" instead).  Doesn’t matter.  My diary, I do it however I want.  Get over it. 






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Not all attractive women would be turned off by your awkward cuteness

April 5, 2011

I like your saying.. One day at a time. it’s my motto in Spanish ” Un Dia a la Vez”. also. just be yourself. don’t stress talking to the good looking girls. Just act like their looks don’t matter and they will end up seeking conversation with you.